A newbie question about db design

  • Hello!

    I'm trying to make a buddylist feature to my site. I've come up with a REALLY simle solution like this:




    Now... There is no PK in the table. I know that can't be good, right? How should I do it then? For example, how is "Your virtual briefcase" done on this site?

    Thank you!


  • I'd set the memid as the PK if that's what it is. We assign an "ID" to every member and use that to track your posts, breifcase, etc.

    Steve Jones




  • Actually your primary key could be both columns (memID, buddyID) together. It is probably best to create the primary key as non-clustered, due to the randomness of inserts. Another option is to just create an identity column, but I prefer the compound primary key method.

    I'm assuming each member can have multiple buddies, and each buddy can be associated with multiple members.


    Edited by - dj_meier on 01/07/2003 1:54:27 PM


  • Hi!

    So what you're saying is that if (that's a big if) I had 1 million users and each had 10 buddies... Then there would be 10 million rows in that singe table? The records would look like this:

    memId buddyId

    12123 2342

    9586 234234

    9586 21

    9586 996




    Isn't there a better way or is this how it's generally done?



  • Tomi, that is the best way.

    You are talking about many-to-many relationship in this case. There are three logical types of relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many. The last one is suported by SQL Server by utilizing the compound primary key where one column is a foreign key to one table (member) and another one is a foreign key to another table (buddy).

  • One thing to also keep in mind with Compound keys make sure when the index is created the most unique value column is listed first as the stats are based only on the first column. The less unique the value the lower the stats, the lower chance it may get used in some queires.

  • Thank you! Exactly what I wanted to hear! I almost feel like a guru now

    Thanks again!


  • Hehe, you posted 4 seconds after me! Thanks Antares, I'll keep that in mind

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