A Scary Comparison

  • I'm sorry, I just don't understand why anyone thinks the document is misleading. The first page indicates that there is only partial support for some category items. The page(s) devoted to each category details the specifics. Seems pretty straight-forward to me.

    I'll grant you that if it were me I'd cut out the first page altogether but it's not that big a deal.:)

    "Beliefs" get in the way of learning.

  • IF that table comparison IS factual I would advocate we move to Oracle. We have both here and Linuxthough Oracle is hugely more costly, Oracle doesn't f**k us around as much as that table would indicate. We know what we are getting and what we have to pay extra for. The base platform for Oracle is very complete - compared to brain-dead marketed SQL 2008

    Indeed current SQL server Express is better featured.

    Without having been able to confirm what the comparison table states, I can believe it given MSofts whim to provide lobotomised, caste-derived, OS's with their XP and Vista products.

    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

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