A simple trick for “Block Comment” syntax in SSMS

  • Phil Parkin (7/10/2015)

    OK, I roundly disagree with your absolute statement:

    "Thus advocating the approach is improper."

    Here is a part of a setup script I wrote recently. I developed it on one environment, then moved to QA, Prod etc.

    --Verifications Framework


    --Author: Phil Parkin

    --Created: 2015-06-03

    --Script to be run on the ETL server

    --*** Initial set-up only. Do not run when the live tables have been populated – the data would be deleted ***

    --Config database



    --#region Create the SSISConnStringVariable table

    use Config;


    if object_id('cfg.SSISConnStringVariable', 'U') is not null

    drop table cfg.SSISConnStringVariable;

    create table cfg.SSISConnStringVariable


    SSISConnStringVariableNameId int identity(1, 1)

    not null

    ,SSISConnStringVariableName sysname not null

    ,SSISEnvironmentName sysname not null

    ,constraint PK_SSISConnStringVariable primary key clustered (SSISConnStringVariableNameId asc)


    create unique index ix_SSISConnStringVariableName on cfg.SSISConnStringVariable(SSISConnStringVariableName);


    --#endregion Create the SSISConnStringVariable table


    On my system, with SSMSBoost (which supports collapsible regions) installed, I see this as follows:

    So, when I am running the script in QA, for example, all I have to do is comment out the first /* to make this block 'active'.

    Why is this such bad practice?

    As opposed to simply setting a sentinel variable and having an IF statement that only runs that section of code if the sentinel value is true? I.e. IsInitialConfig = True/False

    Or better yet, create/use an SSIS "install" package that is set only to do the initial config stuff on the first run.

    Don't even get me started on using CLR code in T-SQL work...

  • Something similar can be done in PowerShell


    <# header

    # comment

    Write-Host "uncommented"


    Write-Host "outside of comment"


    #<# header

    # comment

    Write-Host "uncommented"


    Write-Host "outside of comment"

  • No comment.


  • I begin the block with [font="Courier New"]/*Dbg [/font]for debug code and [font="Courier New"]/*Rls[/font] for release code. That way I can search and replace [font="Courier New"]--/*Dbg [/font]with [font="Courier New"]/*Dbg [/font]to disable all the debug code at once and vice versa to enable.

  • GoofyGuy (7/10/2015)

    No comment.



    # no comment ;-)

    Write-Host "no comment"


  • Thank you! great idea and very usefull 🙂

  • Thanks for the interesting post.

    Genuine question to someone who uses this method frequently (without trying to sound argumentative):

    Do you find this more useful than just highlighting the block and clicking the line comment/uncomment button? Or highlighting the block and pressing CTRL-K + CTRL-C or CTRL-K + CTRL-U?

  • Ross.M (7/13/2015)

    Thanks for the interesting post.

    Genuine question to someone who uses this method frequently (without trying to sound argumentative):

    Do you find this more useful than just highlighting the block and clicking the line comment/uncomment button? Or highlighting the block and pressing CTRL-K + CTRL-C or CTRL-K + CTRL-U?

    Yes indeed.

    Imagine this:

    --DELETE X

    --From X

    --Where Id = 12

    If you are working quickly, it is so very easy to miss the third line when selecting ... After pressing F5, the immediate sinking feeling is not good at all.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • I've accidentally left debug code in, only to have it discovered after it went to production (they can't test everything).

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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