abort a rollback

  • I have a long running query which is a fairly basic update statement to about 10 million rows of a 50 million row table. (its taking the min of the identity PK grouping by tel and applying it to rows with a higher identity column value but the same tel).

    I realise the hardware is heavily under spec - 2gb ram, 2 2.8 xeon, 2 scsi 10k 70GB disks mirrored for data, same for logs. This query ran for 44 hours before i decided it might take 10 days - the process is blocking itself and it gets cxpacket when it tries to multithread etc!

    It now has 18 hours left to rollback 🙁 I can recreate the entire 50 million table in under 30 mins. Is there anyway for me to a) stop the rollback b) force a truncate on the table c) restart the server with the database in some not ready state that will let me do something.

    Presently my most time efficient choice is; stop the service, delete/rename the database, restart the service, restore a backup (6 hours).

    Any suggestions?

  • I do not think you can. MS SQL Server runs transactions as atomicity. It is similar to standing on a staircase. You stand either on one step or another. But you cannot stand in between.

    You have to wait patiently.

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