Abstract critique - T-SQL Code Sins

  • Here is the abstract I've started submitting for SQL Saturdays and whatnot this year. Thoughts on the abstract? Would this make you want to come see the session?

    T-SQL Code Sins: The Worst Things We Do to Code and Why

    It's impossible to follow every best practice all the time. Code sins are those things we do to our code that are either so horrendous that they can't be borne, or that have such tremendous consequences that your stored procedures wish they'd never been created. Attendees will hear about the most common code sins that make code difficult to read, support, run and extend, and practical strategies for reversing the trend.



  • The abstract is pretty good. It states your intention quite well.

    But in the abstract, you are stating that you are going to provide how to reverse the mistakes you have already made. Maybe something regarding that should be on the topic? Something like "How to clean up the mess you have made" ? Just a suggestion.


  • I think it's good. Wish I could attend!

  • What mistakes are you going to cover?

  • Alan Vogan (1/24/2011)

    I think it's good. Wish I could attend!

    Thanks! I have a recorded Code Sins session up on my blog (http://www.midnightdba.com/Jen/articles/) but the 2011 version is much revamped. I'll put up a new recording sometime in February, probably.

  • Roy Ernest (1/24/2011)

    The abstract is pretty good. It states your intention quite well.

    But in the abstract, you are stating that you are going to provide how to reverse the mistakes you have already made. Maybe something regarding that should be on the topic? Something like "How to clean up the mess you have made" ? Just a suggestion.

    Thanks for the suggestion!


    What mistakes are you going to cover?

    I cover a lot of ground, from "meta" problems (like format and documentation) to project problems. But the meat of the session is actual code: architecture, poorly tuned querying, and a good deal more.

  • I'd be interested in attending. I do think it's slightly vague on what the attendee will be taking home. That's my one personal bugaboo. You've told me what it's about, but what will I get out of it? This one is almost there, but it doesn't quite get me all the way to the finish.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Grant Fritchey (1/24/2011)

    I'd be interested in attending. I do think it's slightly vague on what the attendee will be taking home. That's my one personal bugaboo. You've told me what it's about, but what will I get out of it? This one is almost there, but it doesn't quite get me all the way to the finish.

    Okay, excellent...will tack a "The attendee will" at the end. Thx!

  • It's pretty good. There are two things I'd say.

    One, this part:

    It's impossible to follow every best practice all the time. Code sins are those things we do to our code that are either so horrendous that they can't be borne, ...

    they seem confusing. You are mention the bad things in the title, but then go to "best practices" and immediately drop it. I'd somehow link the idea that if we can't do the best, let's not do the worst.

    The second thing is I'd like to see one or two concrete examples of what is bad. I don't think you want to surprise people with the items. Tell us a couple of the sins that you'll correct in this abstract so that the coder that does x or y, will come find out what they can do instead.

  • It was an AWESOME class!!!

    I would leave the first sentence off.

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