Access as Linked Server

  • Hello there,

    I have a situation where we need to transfer data from Sqlserver database to an Access database on hourly basis.

    These databases have to be on separate machines.

    This access database is used across 3-4 locations as a backend for a client-server application.

    I have been able to map the access database drive on the sqlserver machine and then made the access database a linked server. I plan to run the queries on the sqlserver to copy data to access tables.

    I was just wondering if there is a better solution available for this problem and if there are any potential problems that we could face later on when we go live.

    Thanks for your advise.


  • Have you considered setting up linked tables in Access?? No need for updates. If you only wanted a subset of the data you could create views in SQL SERVER and link to them instead - views appear as tables in MS Access.

  • You could try a DTS package on a schedual as well. You can build the query in to the package and run it as often as you want.

  • Thanks for your suggestions...

    DTS option seems to be better because we can't make changes to the database objects as per the second post.



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