Access to SQL Server over HTML

  • I dont now about a function in HTML to get Data out of an SQL Server and bring data back to SQL Server.

    I not good in HTML but I will learn a lot. Over the Internet i have not found anything about this feature.

    I know that I can configure XML support for SQL Server, but this is not all.



    Thank you for help about these....



    Kind Regards




  • You'd need to write some type of active service page, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, PHP, etc. to make this work. If you're an all Windows environment you might want to look at ASP or ASP.NET. for some basic information.


  • ASP works great for this.  However, be sure not to put your connection string in your ASP file as then it could easily be hacked.  If you are not using .NET then you can use environment variables for the connection string.  Make sure your recordset has read and write capabilities.  There are lots of ways to get data to and from SQL server.  I find setting up stored procs the best way to retrieve and update data.  Let me know if you need any help and I'll send you some sample ASP code.

    Marvin Dillard


    Marvin Dillard
    Senior Consultant
    Claraview Inc

  • (Sorry for my english...)

    Another way to implement connection string is to bind them through an "include statement". Make sure you save the include string with *.asp ending and not ".inc.

    The connection password can be encrypted through a vbs script.


  • Thanks All.


    I think I must learn about a lot of ASP.NET

    Marvin thanks for your bidding to give me some samples, please put the samles here.

    My introduction is to create a Server Log Book over an intranet for only 5 people to create a change reporting into it.

    I will post the complete staff here when iam finished to create a soulution for my interest.


    Have a nice Day...




  • MichaelI'm not sure how to upload ASP code here. The entry box keeps processing it since this is HTML based as well. I could email it to you and I'd be willing to walk you through an example if needed. Marvin

    Marvin Dillard
    Senior Consultant
    Claraview Inc

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