AccessADP Design

  • I am in the process of creating Access Projects for our company. So far I have created a PO ADP and PR ADP. In the furture I intend on creating ADP's for Production and Estimating.

    My question is ...........

    Should I create a Company ADP that would include all of the above or keep them separate.

    (all adp's will use common data -Cust Info ; Job Info etc.)




  • It depends on several things, I would say.

    How large will that Company ADP be in size? If the source code will go up to ~30 MB, you will get into trouble with it.

    How often will there be changes to the source code?

    Next thing is security. I guess your HR department will not be happy, when someone else can see their data. With one ADP you will have to care of this issue.

    I would go for multiple small, ADPs' that are focused on what they should do.


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • In our company we use ADP's specific to each branch or department.

    To keep the adp's current there is a Visual Basic program that runs on each users startup that copies the most current adp (relevant to their department) to the user machine. The user never even knows it happened as the routine takes seconds to copy down the adp's (our largest is 25 megs of source code).



  • Thanks that helps.

    Is there a common way of organizing the different versions of the ADP's ?

    This is how I have it now;

    PurchaseOrginal.adp    Original Version

    PurchaseOrder_V01272004.adp  CurrentVersion

    PurchaseOrder_V01272004_Beta.adp - version that I am currently working on and will become CurrentVersion after tested.

     Different question........ I am in the process of creating ADP's for production and estimating, in addition to my current  purchasing ADP, which will share common data (cust info;job info etc).

    1. Should I create different ADPs for each department with one SQL DB

    2. Create different ADPs with each having their own SQL DB

    3. Create a company wide ADPs with one SQL DB




  • Hi,

    Rather than change the name of the .adp file, I put each of my historic versions into a separate directory on the file sytem and name the directory with version info. All this is done on my dev machine far away from users, and the drive gets backed up to tape nightly.

    To distribute a new version of the app to users I just copy my latest version into a particular directory on the file server which then gets copied down to their local machines.



  • Is the app being copied to their local machine every time they open the app?  I was wondering how you would be able to tell if the local version of the app was the current version or an older version.

  • The visual basic app I was talking about checks the ADP version to see if it is the latest before it copies down the current version from our application repository.

    This VB app runs on everyones machine at start up and copies down the latest version if necessary. This has been a very efficient way of keeping our versions current. We used to use SMS for deployment but it doen't always do everyones machine.



  • What code are you using to check to the ADP version.  This would be useful for us in our programs.

  • Micheal,

    I am still very interested in seeing what code you are using to check to see if someone has the latest ADP version.  Most code I have seen checks for the presence of the latest text file to see if the version is current.  I just wondered if this was the way you were doing it or if you might have a better solution.

    Thanks so much for your time.




  • Hi Sue

    I replied to your private post the other day. I guess you didn't get it. I work for a government org and have to get permission to release code samples. They get weirded out about that stuff.


    What I will give you though is a scaled down version I used to create the appplication which will point you in the right direction.


    Dim strClientADP as string

    Dim strUpdateADP as string

    Dim strNetPath as string

    Dim fso As New FileSystemObject


    strNetPath  = (‘PLACE network path of newest ADP here)

    strClientADP = fso.GetFileVersion(App.Path & "\PLACE Name_of.adp here")

    strUpdateADP = fso.GetFileVersion(strNetPath & "\ PLACE Name_of.adp here ")

    If strClientADP <> strUpdateADP then


     'Execute Update  file script



    Note: the file version has to be set in the properties of the ADP when you make a change in order for this script to work.

    Hope this helps


  • Michael,

    Thanks so much for your patience.  I also work for a government agency.  I knew about the file scripting object.  I just didn't know how to set the property of the ADP project so I could retrieve it using GetFileVersion.

    Would this be done from Windows Explorer or as a database property done inside of the ADP project?  I don't see a field I can pick where I can set this value.

    I have hesitated to use ADP due to this exact issue.  In Access databases I have used local tables to store information about the latest version.  I would much prefer to do it your way and have searched extensively to find out how to do it.


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