Accessing and changing data 2008

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Accessing and changing data 2008

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  • Either I read the BOL totally wrong, or you got the answer totally wrong.

    The BOL (linked in your answer) says they are equivalent. Unless "equivalent" does not equal to "the same"?

    Specifying GROUPING SETS ( [,...n ]) as the GROUP BY list is equivalent to a UNION ALL of queries, each with one of the grouping sets as its GROUP BY list. Aggregates on floating-point numbers might return slightly different results.

    The following statements are equivalent:

    SELECT customer, year, SUM(sales)

    FROM T

    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((customer), (year))

    SELECT customer, NULL as year, SUM(sales)

    FROM T

    GROUP BY customer


    SELECT NULL as customer, year, SUM(sales)

    FROM T

    GROUP BY year

    Urbis, an urban transformation company

  • And how do I know that "sales" is a floating-point numbers ?

    i guess ?

  • Hey i thought the answer is "They are the same".

    "Keep Trying"

  • According to the link provided in the answer, the query with the GROUPING SETS equals the query with the GROUP BY and UNION ALL.

    The correct answer of QotD should be "both queries are the same".

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • I thought "The following statements are equivalent" meant they were the same.

    Silly me!

  • Sorry to whine, but this question is a little disappointing - It's educational on at least two counts (grouping sets - new feature, and possible gotcha on floating point numbers), but ultimately what does it mean for two queries to be "the same"?

    Do you judge based on the results? The query plan? The syntax?

    Most people most of the time would be referring to "logical" equivalence - is the returned data set exactly the same regardless of the data set? And the answer to that question is, sadly, "It cannot be determined based on the information provided", as we would need to know the data structure of the table.

    In case anyone reads this far, I do have a question: Do we know under what exact circumstances floating-point numbers (presumably Real and Float) will return different results? Can we assume Decimal types are exempt from this uncertainty? for T-SQL formatting: free as in speech, free as in beer, free to run in SSMS or on your version control server - free however you want it.

  • liam.stirling (9/23/2008)

    I thought "The following statements are equivalent" meant they were the same.

    Silly me!

    Exactly. Even though the resultsets might be slightly different, the statements are equivalent. Boooo, I want my point back! 🙂

    Also does this highlight an issue with floating point anomaly in grouping sets, or has this always been an issue with aggregate statements on floating points, ie a SQL Server bug?

  • Tao Klerks (9/23/2008)

    Sorry to whine, but this question is a little disappointing - It's educational on at least two counts (grouping sets - new feature, and possible gotcha on floating point numbers), but ultimately what does it mean for two queries to be "the same"?

    Do you judge based on the results? The query plan? The syntax?

    Most people most of the time would be referring to "logical" equivalence - is the returned data set exactly the same regardless of the data set? And the answer to that question is, sadly, "It cannot be determined based on the information provided", as we would need to know the data structure of the table.

    In case anyone reads this far, I do have a question: Do we know under what exact circumstances floating-point numbers (presumably Real and Float) will return different results? Can we assume Decimal types are exempt from this uncertainty?

    I agree, Tao. There was an educational element to the question because I looked at something new, but there is also a semantic problem with the question, and even with reference to the BOL, I prefer your option of a third answer.

  • I went to the link posted as an explanation

    and the example listed at the top of the page is exactly the same as the question, and it says they are equivalent.

    From the link above:

    The following statements are equivalent:

    Copy Code

    SELECT customer, year, SUM(sales)

    FROM T

    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((customer), (year))

    Copy Code

    SELECT customer, NULL as year, SUM(sales)

    FROM T

    GROUP BY customer


    SELECT NULL as customer, year, SUM(sales)

    FROM T

    GROUP BY year

  • I would like to thank all who have commented. I have learned a little more to apply to any additional QOD that I may submit. Please note that I relied on the

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition for the words equivalent, and same which are:


    equal in force, amount, or value


    equal in size, shape, value, or importance —usually used with the or a demonstrative (as that, those) in all senses

    The main objective as I understand the QOD is to introduce readers to new and/or little known aspects of SQL Server it is my hope that this is what this question did.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • bitbucket (9/23/2008)

    I would like to thank all who have commented. I have learned a little more to apply to any additional QOD that I may submit. Please note that I relied on the

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition for the words equivalent, and same which are:


    equal in force, amount, or value


    equal in size, shape, value, or importance —usually used with the or a demonstrative (as that, those) in all senses

    The main objective as I understand the QOD is to introduce readers to new and/or little known aspects of SQL Server it is my hope that this is what this question did.

    As a non-native english speaker I'm unaware of such small differences between the meaning of words.

    For me: Same == Equivalent :ermm:

    But you are right about touching new aspects of SQL Server...

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • I want my point back too

    so, is it the SAME, or not?

    I initial thought was I missed the UNION vs UNION ALL, but then it did have UNION ALL, so they were the SAME

    Anyway, at least I don't feel too bad about getting it "almost" correct

    considering I just finished reading the Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 eBook, and reading Brad's SQL 2008 PDF now as well

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • bitbucket (9/23/2008)

    I would like to thank all who have commented. I have learned a little more to apply to any additional QOD that I may submit. Please note that I relied on the

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition for the words equivalent, and same which are:


    equal in force, amount, or value


    equal in size, shape, value, or importance —usually used with the or a demonstrative (as that, those) in all senses

    The main objective as I understand the QOD is to introduce readers to new and/or little known aspects of SQL Server it is my hope that this is what this question did.

    So you are admitting that the answer should be that they are the same since they are equivalent?

    There's no indication that floating point number are involved (sales volumes are usually integer or even big integer) so that doesn't apply hence they will give the same values, and hence are the same.

    Or have I (and many others) misunderstood?


  • bitbucket (9/23/2008)

    I would like to thank all who have commented. I have learned a little more to apply to any additional QOD that I may submit. Please note that I relied on the

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition for the words equivalent, and same which are:


    equal in force, amount, or value


    equal in size, shape, value, or importance —usually used with the or a demonstrative (as that, those) in all senses

    The main objective as I understand the QOD is to introduce readers to new and/or little known aspects of SQL Server it is my hope that this is what this question did.

    I'm still confused. 'Equivalent' and 'same' are synonyms, making them interchangeable. So, I'm still struggling to understand what criteria is being used to disqualify the 2 queries from being the same.

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