Active Directory -> SQL (Convert)

  • I have extract certain data/fields from Active Directory into a table (sql) and some of the columns are such as  AccountExpires, PWDLASTSET, ETC have a these long numeric strings which I'm sure are dates but when I try to Convert(datetime,field1,120) the fields to a readable format I receive: "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime." .  Does anyone know how I can change 127777589408075800000 into January 1 20117  (<-  That's just an example) ?  Thank you.

  • I found a web page with a solution which appears to work, although you may have to re-examine the value you posted.   I had to drop 3 zeroes from the end of the string of numbers to get something in range for SQL Server.   Here's the code:

    SELECT T.binary_value
        , D.DATE_VALUE
    FROM (
        VALUES    (127777589408075800)
        ) AS T(binary_value)
        CROSS APPLY (
            SELECT (CAST(T.binary_value AS bigint) / (864000000000.0)) - 109207 AS DATE_VALUE
            ) AS D
        CROSS APPLY (
            ) AS DO

    Be aware that just dropping 2 zeroes from that value put it in the date range of year 5650.   Not exactly a realistic date value to appear in Active Directory, much less SQL Server.   The web page I found is here:

  • i know power shell has a function FromFileTime  that can convert that wierd value( #ticks?) to datetime

    i've sued this expression:

    $Results = Get-ADUser -Filter * -ResultPageSize 100 | Get-ADObject -Properties * | select -property sAMAccountName,ou,

    $Results | Out-GridView


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  • kd11 - Friday, February 24, 2017 7:18 AM

    I have extract certain data/fields from Active Directory into a table (sql) and some of the columns are such as  AccountExpires, PWDLASTSET, ETC have a these long numeric strings which I'm sure are dates but when I try to Convert(datetime,field1,120) the fields to a readable format I receive: "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime." .  Does anyone know how I can change 127777589408075800000 into January 1 20117  (<-  That's just an example) ?  Thank you.

    Ya know, I just realized that your text may NOT have been a typo.   Given the value you have, you'll be entirely out of range if you expect SQL Server to give you any date beyond 9999-12-31 23:59:59.997 for a datetime datatype, and only a few milliseconds later for the more precise datetime data types.

  • Referencing the following URL ...
    ... and if you only want the date and not the time, you can do the following...
    DECLARE  @AcctExpires   VARCHAR(32)  = '127777589408075800000'
            ,@BaseDate      DATE = '16010101'
            ,@DTValue       DATE
    SELECT DATEADD(dd,CONVERT(BIGINT,LEFT(@AcctExpires,LEN(@AcctExpires)-7))/86400000.0,@BaseDate)
    /* Results

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  • Thanks guys just doing this works " 

    CAST((pwdlastset / 864000000000.0 - 109207) AS DATETIME


    but When I try to do it for a different column(with a nvarchar(256) datatype) it would not work.  The value for the second column is always "9223372036854775807"  so I tried doing this


    (nvarchar(16),convert(Datetime, column2,103),120) And I get the Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string Error message.  Do I need to alter the table column from nvarchar to datetime.

  • kd11 - Monday, February 27, 2017 10:21 AM
    Thanks guys just doing this works " 

    CAST((pwdlastset / 864000000000.0 - 109207) AS DATETIME


    but When I try to do it for a different column(with a nvarchar(256) datatype) it would not work.  The value for the second column is always "9223372036854775807"  so I tried doing this


    (nvarchar(16),convert(Datetime, column2,103),120) And I get the Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string Error message.  Do I need to alter the table column from nvarchar to datetime.

    Try to convert from nvarchar to bigint first, then do the math.   If that fails, try decimal(19,0) instead.

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