ActiveX Rename With Date Function

  • Still trying to learn ActiveX, have done something similar in the past but was coming from a text export, no just have a flat file that I'm trying to rename.  Below is what I've tried, which succeeds but the file is not changing.  Any suggestions?



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()


    mydate =now()

        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    sFilename = "D:\PayrollFiles\ADPData\FTM (XYT)\PRXYTEMP.csv"

    If Month(mydate) < 10 Then sFilename = sFilename & "0" & _

    Month(mydate) Else sFilename = sFilename & Month(mydate)

    If Day(mydate) < 10 Then sFilename = sFilename & _

    "0" & Day(Mydate) Else sFilename = sFilename & Day(mydate)&_

    Right(Year(mydate), 2) &_

    sFilename &  ".csv"

    Set oConn = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • So are you trying to rename the file in a folder, or change the source filename for a connection?

    To change the filename in a folder, there isn't a file rename method so just use the MoveFile method to do the rename.

    For for the source filename, you'll need to create an object that refers to the connection you want to change and then assign your new filename to the appropriate property. Check for example of how to do this.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks for the reply Phill, I tried to do it in the file move and couldn't get it to work.  Here is my move, where would I insert the date stuff.  I kept getting an error.


    Function Main()

    Dim oFSO

    Dim sSourceFile

    Dim sDestinationFile

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    sSourceFile = "C:\SourceFile.txt"

    sDestinationFile = "C:\Folder\DestinationFile.txt"

    oFSO.MoveFile sSourceFile, sDestinationFile

    ' Clean Up

    Set oFSO = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    WHen I add the date info I get invalid Path, with my data.


    Thanks Again



  • What error are you getting? The code snippet below will show a message box with the error.

    On Error Resume Next
    oFSO.MoveFile sSourceFile, sDestinationFile
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "ERROR: " & CStr(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description
    End If
    On Error Goto 0

    Also, just a tip for when you're setting up the script. It's better to have it as a stand-alone vbs file that you execute using cscript. Naturally you can't do any DTS specific stuff that way, but you can iron out any other bugs without having to fiddle around in the package. The script editor in DTS isn't the easiest to work with


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Ok, I got the Rename to work in the Move and added the date.  Only catch is I can't get it to the front of the name only the back, is there a simple fix that I'm missing?


    Function Main()


    Dim FDate

    Dim DString

    Dim oFSO

    Dim sSourceFile

    Dim sDestinationFile



    FDate = Date

    DString = DatePart("yyyy",FDate) & Right("0" & _

    DatePart("m",FDate), 2) & Right("0" & DatePart("d",FDate), 2)


    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")



    sSourceFile = "D:\PayrollFiles\ADPData\PRXYTEMP.csv"

    sDestinationFile = "D:\PayrollFiles\ADPData\FTM (XYT)\PRXYTEMP"& dstring &".csv"

    oFSO.MoveFile sSourceFile, sDestinationFile


    ' Clean Up

    Set oFSO = Nothing


    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function


  • You already have the filename and extension in the sSourceFile variable. So what you can do is use the GetBaseName and GetEstensionName methods to build a new file name for the sDestinationFile variable.

    sSourceFile = "D:\PayrollFiles\ADPData\PRXYTEMP.csv"

    sDestinationFile = "D:\PayrollFiles\ADPData\FTM (XYT)\"

    sDestinationFile = sDestinationFile & oFSO.GetBaseName(sSourceFile)

    sDestinationFile = sDestinationFile & dstring & oFSO.GetExtensionName(sSourceFile)



    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Your code looks fine to me...

    I set up something similar in SQL, for when I wanted to move files from the SQL command line:


    create proc MoveFile

      @Source varchar(255),

      @Dest varchar(255),

      @isDebug bit = 0


    declare @Script varchar(612)

    select @Script = 'Move /Y "' + @Source + '" "' + @Dest + '"'

    if isnull(@isDebug, 0) = 0

     exec master..xp_cmdshell @Script, no_output


     print @Script


    You could call it like this:


    declare @Source varchar(255),

      @Dest  varchar(255),

      @Ext varchar(10)

    select @Source = 'Z:\Temp\Test.txt',

      @Ext = '.txt'

    select @Dest = replace(@Source, @Ext, '') + convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112) + @Ext


    exec MoveFile @Source, @Dest--, 1

    Signature is NULL

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