ActiveX Script Task Timeout Expired Error?

  • I have a DTS that execute an ActiveX Script Task.  In that task, it execute a stored procedure that would take at least > 1 min. to run.  It currently giving me a timeout error every time I run the task.  How can I fix this problem?

    Error say:

    "Error Source = MS OLD DB provider for SQL Server"

    Error Description: Timeout expired"

    Line 38"

    That is the line where it do " db.execute(mySQLString)"

    Please help... thanks.


  • SinLam,

    The first thing that popped into my head was that you have a run-away loop or an inefficent query.  How is the performance of the stored proc in Query Analyzer? 


  • I don't think this is a run away loop because I had it working once before and hasn't been changed since then.

    The stored procedure however has been updated to be more complex now, and it does take a long time to run even in SQL Analyser.  It has transcation and lots of conditions, and also call out to other stored procedures to get data, etc.  Basically it is a long complex process.  So it now takes about 1:33 miniutes to run in SQL Analyser.



  • I will assume you checked out the Execution Plan to look for performance issues.   Well, since you do get data in Query Analyzer, we know the stored procedure is works.  

    You mentioned that you are calling out to other procedures.  I would run through all the procedures involved and double check the security permissions, keeping in mind of the security context you are in and which machine you logged into.  Also, run through all the steps of the package and double check the persmissions and security context. 

    You can also try to see if you can execute each step, one at a time.  See if that reveals anything.

    Is the SQL Server on Windows 2000?  If you're on NT4, is your package trying to execute some type of function on another server?  If there are any NT4 machines involved this may pose a problem.

    This should have been the first question.  Can you find any information in Event Viewer and SQL Server Logs?  Make sure you have Logging turned on in the Package Properties.  Also, in the same dialog, set an error file to see if that reveals anything.

  • 1) Good point, I have not checked the Execution Plan.  I should try to improve its performance anyways.  How would I do that?

    2) I am running SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000.  There is only one step in the DTS.  Like I said before this DTS works before when the stored procedure was able to finish in less then a min in the past.  So I don't think there is a permission issue here.  Here is the error log from DTS log, nothing found in SQLServer log and event viewer:

    Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Step Error Description:Error Code: 0

    Error Source= Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    Error Description: Timeout expired

    Error on Line 36

     (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (80040e31): Timeout expired)

    Step Error code: 800403FE

    Step Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp

    Step Error Help Context ID:1100

    3) I am wondering if there is a limitation on ADO object in VB Script using in DTS like this.??????   Don't you think that it should allow a long running query to execute over that connection?  But I even try to set the ADO connection object's timeout property it didn't do anything. (db.ConnectionTimeout = 300)




  • 1.) In Query Analyzer, select "Display Estimated Execution Plan" from the Query menu.  Take a look at these articles to help:

    2.) Yeah, it doesn't look like there is a permission issue with the package, but I will still double check what your store procedures are doing an see if there is any permissions or access issue there.  I could not find and exact error message on, but there were a couple of similar articles that suggested you get the latest service packs for SQL Server.  You should not that anyway if you have not.

    3.) If you have a Transform Data Task in your package that is using an ActiveX script then it might be possible you have some bad logic in that script.  But wait, didn't you say you only have on step or task in you package?  If so, then that means you are just executing the stored procedure in that step.  Or, do you have another task that uses the Transform Data Task?


  • Reply to #2)  I will check tomorrow.

    Reply to #3) I don't have a Transform Data Task, all I have is one Task called ActiveX Script Task in that DTS package.  My script is like this:

    Function Main()


     dim myID, myPID, myDiv


     Set db = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

     db.ConnectionTimeout = 300 "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=test;pwd=test;Initial Catalog=Test_dev;Data Source=test"

     sDiv = DTSGlobalVariables( "division" ).Value

     sUserID = DTSGlobalVariables( "userid" ).Value

     dDate = Now()

     '     *****   Do the re-run ones first.   ******

     SQL =  "  WR_Batch_GetNeedRerunBatchByDiv  '" & sDiv & "'"


     Set rs = db.Execute(SQL)

     i = 0

      Do While Not rs.EOF

      i = i + 1  'counter

      InsertSQL= "  WR_RR_CreateReconReportMain '" & sDiv & "', " & rs("requestID") & ", '" & sUserID & "'" & ", NULL, NULL" 

    msgbox i &  ", " & InsertSQL

      db.Execute (InsertSQL)  


     Loop 'loop each pending Recon Report Record


     msgbox "Done re-run"




  • If all you have is this one task, why are you using DTS?

    How about breaking up the stored procedure execution into a few steps. Then use workflow and looping to perform the job.

    You can return a resultset in an ExecuteSQL task and loop through it. See the following,


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • hi!

    you'll have to set the CommandTimeout property of your connection. ConnectionTimeout property just relates to the actual build-up of a database connection, whereas CommandTimeout sets the time-out for each command executed on that connection.

    best regards, chris.

  • Thanks for everyone's friendly input.  I learnt many different things.

    The CommandTimeout Property did it.  It works now. THANKS.


  • GOOD STUFF! Thank you!

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