Activity Monitor in SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition

  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]


    I just bought an original license of SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition after having spent 180 days with the Enterprise Trial Edition.

    I log in as "sa" and I go to Management. I do not see "Activity Monitoring". Does anybody know why? Isn't this functionality part of the Standard Edition?


    Panayotis Matsinopoulos


  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]


    I just found it. It is on the right-click menu when this is clicked on the server node of the tree and it does not exist anymore on the "Management" node.

    Sorry for bothering everybody with this post.

    However, I have to say that I find it COMPLETELY STUPID by Microsoft to make such changes.

    Panayotis Matsinopoulos


  • I like the new activity monitor.

    There's also a button for it on the toolbar, which is handier yet.

    Good change, IMO.


  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]

    I agree with you. I like new Activity Monitor too. However, still removing a right-click option from an obvious and natural place (Management node of the tree) that lived there for some years is absolutely against user-friendliness. Just search in google how many people were desparate trying to find Activity Monitor in SQL 2008 and you will understand what this changed had as effect. At least, they should have left it there, and add it at whatever else place they wanted (toolbars, Server node of tree and whereever else). Only in this way you respect users.


    Panayotis Matsinopoulos


  • Oh yeah...

    it took me a minute to find it. But I like where it is in 2008 better.

    I don't like the fact that the lock information is missing, because that's what I used it for mostly anyway.

    Now I have other reasons with the wait times and file I/O sections.

    They'll add locks in and get it all right next time 🙂


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