Ad Hoc Access Denied

  • When I run the following OPENROWSET query against a Visual FoxPro table uder my SA login, it works fine.

    If I change logins however to one with less permissions I get an error as follows.


    SELECT a.* FROM OPENROWSET("vfpoledb","\\wsipc-svr8\DJICALC\CALCULATOR\DRIVER_DBC\";"";"","SELECT DISTINCT * FROM CORPACHIST WHERE TraDate = {11/07/2005} AND Product_Id IN(205)") a

    In order to enable OPENROWSET with MSDASQL I had to add a registry setting for DisAallowAdHocAccess and set it to zero, and then it worked with all logins.

    Does anybody have any ideas how I get VFPOLEDB to work?




  • I don't know much about connecting up FoxPro, but came across this in a search. Don't know if it is helpful to you but here it is:

    How to do SQL Server 2000 distributed queries with FoxPro .dbf files

    Sounds like you've got the connectivity figured out, just the security measures in place are blocking things. Didn't see anything about touching the registry or anything like that to open things up, though.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks. I've visited that page before myself, but it doesn't give me much help with this situation.

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