Ad-Hoc Queries - Access or SQL Scripts

  • Here is a "What do You Like Better?" Question.

    Around here we use a combination tools to pull ad-hoc requests (lists, counts, differences...).

    Some of us like to hand code the queries ( for select, updates, and deletes) and run them through the SQL Analyzer.

    Others like the query by example look and feel of Access and the Enterprise Manager.

    What about everyone out there? Do you have the Access bigots or SQL Script bigots is your company too?


  • We have a whole team that uses Access. Works out pretty well, in most cases they need some ad hoc tables to do the work they have, plus we have tons of code in VBA modules that they use for data cleanup. Where it doesn't work so well is when you're running queries that combine SQL and Access tables. Operations that might take 5-10 seconds can take literally minutes via Access. Pass through queries offset some of that. I've discussed using QA more, but it seems to have "too much power" for them.

    As far as using a query designer, I say use what works. When I started out I used one, now I rarely do. Right now because there is no intellisense in the QA environment, I can see where a GUI tool can sometimes be faster because you don't have to guess the column names, you just pick. Still, from what I can tell most power users will type it all out and be done while the less than power user is figuring out what they want to do, GUI or no.


  • If you are a 'visual developing' kind, Access has some huge advantages. Well, if you compare the table definition screen in EM7 and EM2k you can come to the comclusion, that SQL Server has adopted something from Access. But although doing stuff visually is pretty simple, I think I need the skill to do everything 'from the command line'. Meaning, I prefer use of QA whereever I can. If I have no time and it is a one-time job, I use Access.

    I think it doesn't matter HOW you achieve what you want, the point is THAT you achieve what you want.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • It's also a matter of what you are comfortable with.

    I worked with Access for years, but my mentor did not use visual tools and I learned to hand code my queries. When confronted with the visual tools in EM or Access I just ignore them and write the query.

    But I have worked with several developers who adore the visual tools. An issue might be that if I come along and do maintenance queries in QA, and the client asks me to tweak one of the other queries they are confused when I don't do it like the developers. I give an explanation and move on.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • I think going the way to first learn to hand code and then move to something visual is better then vice versa. Take away the visual tools and see who gets his job done!

    That doesn't mean I don't like visual tools, but I think I need to know why they work how they work and what comes out....



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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