AD Security Group Access Problem

  • I'm using an AD security group to gain read rights to a SQL server 2000 database using the db_datareader database role.

    So far, I've had no problems until I added a new user to the AD security group. This new user cannot access the database at all.

    I've checked the PDC to make sure the user is definitely a member of the group and they are. This is also confirmed by the fact that they can open a VB.NET windows application which is configured to throw them out if they're not a member of the same security group.

    I'm at a loss on how to proceed. Any help would gratefully be appreciated.

  • Make sure the user logout and login, or reboot, to gain the new credential.

  • I should have mentioned I added the new user to the AD security group about a week before they tried to access the SQL database.

    Wouldn't this have given them plenty of time for the credentials to have propagated around the domain?

  • You can check if sqlserver finds the group using Query ananlyser.

    connect to the server position in the database

    and execute :

    use yourdb


    EXEC master..xp_logininfo @acctname = 'yourdomain\yourgroup',@option = 'members'     -- who belongs to this windowsgroup



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