Add node to failover cluster 2005

  • I have to add a new node to a failover cluster with three instances. Now the version of the SQL Server is 9.00.3073 (Service Pack 2).

    The cluster is already installed, but the SQL Server is installed only in one node.

    I have two questions:

    1) Will I need the installation CD

    2) Is it better to install the Service Pack 3 before or after adding the new node?

    Thanks in Advance,

    DBA Cabuloso,

    Lucas Benevides.

    DBA Cabuloso
    Lucas Benevides

  • Is you current Cluster an Active Active or Active Passive?

    How about the new node that you want to add? Will it be an Active node or Passive node?

    If it is going to be an Active node then you would need to install SQL Server, for which you can copy the SQL Serve installation files to the shared drive and will not be needing the installation CD then.

    If all the existing 3 instances are on SP3 then first install SP3 on the new instance and then make it a part of the Cluster.



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  • It is going to be Active / Passive cluster.

    The passive node is already present in the cluster, but the SQL Server isn't installed in this node, is only installed in the active node.

    All three instances are with Service Pack 2, but all of them will be updated to Service Pack 3.

    I don't want to add an instance, I just want to install 2 of the 3 instances in the SQL Server in the new node in a failover cluster.

    DBA Cabuloso
    Lucas Benevides

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