add xmlnodes to "for xml auto"-statement

  • Hey,

    actually I have the problem, that I want to add some xml childnodes (existing in a table as xml-datatype) under specific xml data. In the following example you can see this problem:

    This is the target xml data:

    <root root_id="1">

    <subroot subroot_id="1">

    <data value="test"/>

    <data value="test2"/>

    <otherdata value="test3"/>



    I have the table root with foreign key to table subroot and under subroot I want to add the generated xml-rows as text, but not with taking a cursor.

    If I take the table with the xml-data I have an subnode with the name of the table, and I only want to insert the rows between the right subroot.

    //EDIT: I have added the DDL for the tables - I hope the syntax is correct without checking this on sql server, because its weekend 🙂

    create table root(

    root_id int primary key clustered



    create table subroot(

    subroot_id int primary key clustered,

    root_id int,

    Foreign Key (root_id) references root(root_id)



    create table tempxml(

    subroot_id int,

    childnodes xml,

    Foreign Key (subroot_id) references subroot(subroot_id)



    With the following statement I create the xml-Data

    select root.root_id,



    from root

    inner join

    subroot on root.root_id=subroot.root_id

    inner join

    tempxml on tempxml.subroot_id=subroot_id.subroot_id

    for xml auto

    and the result is:

    <root root_id="1">

    <subroot subroot_id="1">


    <data value="test"/>

    <data value="test2"/>

    <otherdata value="test3"/>




    How can I solve the problem?


    [font="Arial"]Kind regards,

    Patrick Fiedler

    Fiedler SQL Consulting

  • I would like to help...please post the DDL for your tables and some DML to create some sample data. Have a look at this article if you have doubts about my request:[/url]

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Hi opc.three,

    sorry for my writing form ... it was friday afternoon before going home ... 🙂 ... the next time I will obey the rules. I have updated my initial post ...


    [font="Arial"]Kind regards,

    Patrick Fiedler

    Fiedler SQL Consulting

  • I made up some DML since you did not provide any :Whistling:

    INSERT INTO dbo.root(root_id)VALUES (1)

    INSERT INTO dbo.subroot(subroot_id, root_id)VALUES (1,1)

    INSERT INTO dbo.tempxml(subroot_id, childnodes)VALUES (1,'<data value="test"/><data value="test2"/><otherdata value="test3"/>')

    With your DDL and my DML and query I matched your desired resultset. If it's not perfect because I guessed wrong on the DML you'll at least get the idea and should be able to get to a workable solution.

    SELECT [root].root_id AS [root_id],

    subroot.subroot_id AS [subroot_id],

    (SELECT childnodes

    FROM dbo.tempxml

    WHERE subroot_id = subroot.subroot_id


    FROM [dbo].[root] AS [root]

    INNER JOIN dbo.subroot AS subroot ON [root].root_id = subroot.root_id



    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Hi opc.three,

    it works for me. Thanks for providing me the right solution.

    I think it was too simple to get it on friday afternoon ... 😎


    [font="Arial"]Kind regards,

    Patrick Fiedler

    Fiedler SQL Consulting

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