Adding an instance to a SQL2008 Cluster

  • Perry,

    I really appreciate the follow up. Isn't what you are saying to do just creating a new cluster? Do you happen to have a screenshot of the cluster administrator to show me what it looks like after it is up and running? If that is the case, will i need a new quorum and/or DTS?



  • Scott Wise (3/22/2010)


    I really appreciate the follow up. Isn't what you are saying to do just creating a new cluster?

    No, it is creating a new clustered instance 😉

    there is a difference

    Scott Wise (3/22/2010)

    Do you happen to have a screenshot of the cluster administrator to show me what it looks like after it is up and running?

    Bearing in mind i am using Windows 2003 MSCS and not 2008 MSCS, i'll dig out a screenshot and attach it.

    Remember, when you launched and ran the installer there is a section that asks you to use an existing cluster group or create a new one (the default) based on the instance name. I know the installation option is confusing but "New SQL Server fail over cluster installation" is the very way you create a new failover instance of SQL Server. The network names must be unique for each instance.

    Scott Wise (3/22/2010)

    If that is the case, will i need a new quorum and/or DTS?



    Scott I’m assuming you mean DTC and not DTS, in MSCS 2008 you can have multiple DTC but realistically you probably won’t need them.

    No, you do not need a new quorum. Depending on how many nodes are in your cluster you may want to opt for a majority node set quorum. You are creating a new clustered instance of SQL Server not a new Windows cluster. The Windows cluster is only created via Cluster administrator.

    HTH you understand a little more.

    I know it’s hellishly confusing. Understand the difference between the Windows cluster and the clustered instances that are created by the SQL server installer and you'll be golden.

    Keep an eye out, I have a technical article which I’m hoping to get published on SSC in the next few weeks on how to create a virtual Windows 2008 cluster with multiple SQL Server 2008 instances installed. This is something that gets a lot of people confused, you’re not alone.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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