Adding Data Fields During Transformation/Import

  • As a newbie to Integration Services I need some advice on how to add data fields to an import of a CSV file. I'm sure there is a simple answer to this, but for the life of me I can't find it.

    I have a CSV file that I import and put through a conditional split to remove a footer row. After the conditional split I want to add the user-defined variables to the file and import all of that into a staging table in the DB. I can't figure out how to add these additional fields, which are not in the file layout. Can somebody point me in the right direction?


  • use the merge join from the toolbox to put the 2 sources together

  • There is several ways you can do that. Use another OLEDB source and use sql command as data access mode like--

    SELECT 'N' as col1, getdate() as col2........

    and do the join

    Also, use derived column transform as add new column in the list.

    Copy column, export column.............

    But what exactly you want to add in that extra column?


  • Well actually I've tried both of those things: merge and derived columns, and I keep ending up with null values for those fields. I'm trying to add some fields like ImportID and CompanyID, which are passed into the package as parameters.

    Currently I'm set up with Derived Columns. I have those columns set to be added and pull in the appropriate values in the Transformation Editor. I also have a transformation going on with one of the date fields, which is in the file layout. The date field is ending up in the staging table properly transformed, but all the columns I'm adding on the fly are null.

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