Adding multiple detail data rows in SSRS

  • Hi

    I am in the process of designing a SSRS report using a table as data region and will look something like below:

    Report Header row e.g. invoice number

    Detail row 1 header

    Detail row 1 with data

    Detail row 1 footer

    Detail row 2 header

    Detail row 2 with data

    Detail row 2 footer

    Report Footer row

    How can I get two sets of detail rows without using subreports. Also this doesn't seem to work correctly if I simply right click and add another detail row.

    Your help will be much appreciated.

    Many Thanks

  • Hi,

    just place multiple tables

    report header




    report footer

    Gayathri 🙂

  • Thanks for the reply..

    Do I place table within a table? If so I'm getting thi error message when exporting to excel

    Data Regions within table/matrix cells are ignored.

  • no,...

    u have to do work around..

    try these options...

    1) place table one after another... give filters...


    2) add detail row in single table..

    give header and footer by your own

    something like this

    Report Header


    Table header

    detail row 1 -

    detail row 2 - footer

    detail row 3 - header

    detail row 4 -

    detail row 5 - footer

    detail row 6 - header

    detail row 7 -

    table Footer

    Report Footer

    Gayathri 🙂

  • Thanks for this...

    Ok I've tried inserting multiple tables within a rectangle and it exports fine in excel. But i'd like to toggle a table based on a cell from another table. How can I get this working?

  • Hi,

    a table cannot be toggled by another table's detail row.. but it can be toggled by other tables, header or footer

    Gayathri 🙂

  • Could I possibly toggle the whole table by another.. is there a work around.. I'm trying all options but no joy... if you'd know of any would be great help..

    Many Thanks Once Again

  • Hi,

    YES .. u can.. that only i have mentioned in my last reply..

    first create tables like this...

    table 1

    header(u can give this text box as toggle for table 2)

    detail row

    Footer (u can give this text box as toggle for table 2)

    select the table 2 and give visibility based on table 1 header text box or table 1 footer text box..

    Gayathri 🙂

  • How can we calculate running value based on 2 columns??

    CA CB RValue(A+B)

    4 5 9

    6 4 19

    7 5 31

    2 3 36

    Any suggestions on ways to do this would be very helpful.

    Thank you,


  • I know this posting is old and just incase someone is looking for an answer, I have one.

    First let me explain the source data. I have a query that returns three columns, OrderId, Status = 1 or 0, Age of order.

    Next I added a table to the report and then I added to adjacent groups below the details section. I grouped both groups by the orderid. Then I deleted the details section.

    Now my goal was to have a top ten where order status is 1 in the first group and then where order staus = 0 in the second group.

    So I went in to the group properties of the first one and added a filter for the status, one for top ten by order age decending and then a top ten on the orderid. I added the last one becuase of the issue where if the last two or more values of the order age are the same then SSRS returns all of them giving me more than the ten I need.

    I then did the same thing for the second group but the change the value for the status filter.

    This produces exactly what I need.

    Remember that when you start working with tables you can do some pretty amazing things and if there is one thing I learned from working with Crystal Reports, the details section is over rated. I barely use it anymore because it is so limited.

    Hope this helps

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