Adding percentage on a tablix

  • Hello

    I've got a report which has this output below

    month Leads 2012 Leads 2013 Oppos 2012 Oppos 2013 Enquiries 2012 Enquiries 2013

    January 7 11557 15429 13783 15433 21211

    February 10 6015 11412 6840 11415 10892

    March 290 7973 8067 0 6903 9230

    April 13348 5722 18001 0 6088 7740

    which is derived from this quiry

    SELECT cast(datepart(yyyy, o.Oppo_CreatedDate) AS varchar) [Year], cast(datepart(MM, o.Oppo_CreatedDate) AS varchar) [month], count(o.Oppo_OpportunityId) Oppos,

    '' AS Leads, '' AS Converted_Leads

    FROM Opportunity o

    WHERE o.oppo_brandid = 6001 AND o.Oppo_CreatedDate >= @Date_from AND o.Oppo_CreatedDate <= @Date_to

    GROUP BY cast(datepart(yyyy, o.Oppo_CreatedDate) AS varchar), cast(datepart(MM, o.Oppo_CreatedDate) AS varchar)

    /*ORDER BY cast(datepart(yyyy,o.Oppo_CreatedDate) AS varchar) , cast(datepart(MM,o.Oppo_CreatedDate) AS varchar)*/ UNION ALL

    /*All Leads */ SELECT year(l.Lead_CreatedDate) [Year], month(l.Lead_CreatedDate) [Month], '' AS Oppos, count(l.Lead_LeadID) [Converted_Leads], '' AS Converted_Leads

    FROM Lead l

    WHERE l.lead_brandid = 6001 /*AND l.Lead_OpportunityID IS NULL */ AND l.Lead_CreatedDate >= @Date_from AND l.Lead_CreatedDate <= @Date_to

    GROUP BY year(l.Lead_CreatedDate), month(l.Lead_CreatedDate)

    /*ORDER BY [year] , [Month]*/ UNION ALL

    /*Leads converted*/ SELECT year(l.Lead_CreatedDate) [Year], month(l.Lead_CreatedDate) [Month], '' AS Oppos, '' AS Leads, count(l.Lead_LeadID) [Converted_Leads]

    FROM Lead l

    WHERE l.lead_brandid = 6001 AND l.Lead_OpportunityID IS NOT NULL AND l.Lead_CreatedDate >= @Date_from AND l.Lead_CreatedDate <= @Date_to

    GROUP BY year(l.Lead_CreatedDate), month(l.Lead_CreatedDate)

    ORDER BY cast(datepart(yyyy, o.Oppo_CreatedDate) AS varchar), cast(datepart(MM, o.Oppo_CreatedDate) AS varchar)

    I've created a report on ssrs 2008 r2, used a tablix now I want to add a percentage field between the years, one can ad one or more years.. Can anyone please tell me if its possible ?

    I've attached an excel file here

  • You have a few options generally, although I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve.

    a) add computed columns to your T-SQL statement

    b) add new columns to your tablix and assign an Expression to achieve the percentage

    c) add a Group

    d) add a List

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