Advanced from Beginner to Advanced TSQL

  • Hi,

    Can someone give some advice on how best to advance from beginner to advanced TSQL, given that my current job function does not involve alot of TSQL coding. Other than reading books and practice from the examples, is there other practical steps that I can do?



    Yih-Yoon Lee

    Yih-Yoon Lee

  • My job doesn't require me to play around with database at all, but I simply do so.

    Find yourself a task you want build a database solution for. If it is somehow job related, maybe automating some of your daily tasks, that's a great thing to start with.

    ...and don't be afraid to ask questions!


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • quote:

    My job doesn't require me to play around with database at all, but I simply do so.

    Nice to know you have the time Frank

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • quote:

    Nice to know you have the time Frank

    yes, at the moment I love my job!

    Stockmarkets are down, bondmarkets not even better, no new product ideas to discuss with brokers, reporting duties finished....


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Start off by creating scripts that just retrieve information (SELECT). Create scripts that let you find out what type of data is in the database. Get creative with your scripts. Practice JOINing tables and getting the proper results.

    Create a VIEW. Play with that.

    Create Temporary Tables ##tablename and play with them.

    Get permission from the DBA to create your own database. Or just use the Northwind and Pubs databases if available and if the DBA allows it.

    On NON_Production databases, write some INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE scripts, use TRIGGERs.

    Write some stored procedures.

    Lastly, find things that are done frequently (daily, weekly, monthly) and try to improve on the script if one exists, or write one yourself.

    Also, is there a TSQL programmer at your site? Ask them if they can get you involved when they are writing a script.


  • Hi All,

    Thanks for the advice. I guess there is really no shortcut :), practice , practice and practice.


    Yih-Yoon Lee

    Yih-Yoon Lee

  • Yes, that's right!

    Nothing is for free. But learning is fun


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Reading the "SQL Black Belt" in SQL Server Mag. has helped me alot. Also if you can get access or a snapshot of a real -life database and then create a report design and work on some SQL to get that info and maybe even get it close to the presentation layout. I got great practice on doing cross tab queries that way.

    hth - jh

    Skål - jh

  • Yih-yoon Lee, You sound like you are where I was a few months ago. I learned a lot from forums-posting and reading, this one and others. Everyone is usually very helpful. You may want to get a book or two simply as a quick referance. I've found a few solutions in a couple of books I picked up. Even better would be to expense it! I wouldn't call myself an advanced user by any means, but I am much futher along than I was in April when I started SQL. SQLBills suggestion of playing with tables and views is the easiest way if you don't want to read much.

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