Advanced logging and management in SQL Server 2000?

  • Every night, a company we have outsourced a database to updates a SQL server with new data from the previous day.  We have set up a SQL server on the internet for them to use to do this.  We then take that table of data and use it for reporting. 

    We've had problems where sometimes the table is completely empty, or sometimes only half the data is there.  They're not doing their job properly, and we want to know as soon as possible that this has not happened so we can fix it.

    We'd like to know when they start throwing data in to this SQL Server, and how much data they have put in.  Whether they're simply updating changed info, or they're completely clearing the table and uploading all the data again.  When the transfer ends, etc.

    Does anybody know of a way that I can log for this sort of information?  Maybe have it email me when the transfer has completed, with perhaps a list of rows that have been updated, etc?

  • You could run a trace using SQL Profiler and get all the activity that was done during a specified timeframe.


    I feel the need - the need for speed

    CK Bhatia

  • I would probably set up a SQL Task to import the data. This way when it is executed you'd have a history. Also the 'outsourcing' company would just have to de[posit a file (or files) and kick off the task. As an additional control measure you'll probably want to add a step or two in the task to do row counts and other such control steps and log them.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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