Advice on Training Suites

  • Help! Need advice on purchasing MCDBA training suites from AppDev (or anyone else I am open to suggestions). I am tired of no money in the corporate budget for training and I don't have a whole lot of my own to spend on traditional courses either. Has anyone purchased any of these online training courses for MCDBA cert prep and training? What are anyones experiences and advice?

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  • Go to here

    and see what FREE courses are available. I think they will be free until November.

    Also go here:

    and get a pack or an individual exam preparation test for the exams. They are very good, costs from $100 to $150 and they basically cover the course if you study the explanations to the training questions.

    Normally I would buy the best book, read it and than use one of the Transcender or SelfTest Software or sometimes ExamCram series books come with the preparation test question CDs

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Thanks! I will check these out. I did purchase two books recommended on the microsoft site to get started, and I was wondering if that was enough.

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