agregate data from several tables into one

  • HI

    I´ve these tables

    BO, BI, FN and U_IDINET

    I need to group and sum several fields whithin this tabels

    BO and BI can be joined by BO.BOSTAMP=BI.BOSTAMP

    BO and FN can be joined by BO.FREF=FN.FNFREF

    and U_EDINET can be joined to FN or BO with U_IDINET.NUMPROJ=BO.FREF or FN.FNREF.

    I´ve tryed

    SELECT DISTINCT BO.FREF,BI.ref,SUM(BI.edebito) as soma FROM bo

    LEFT JOIN bi ON bo.bostamp=BI.bostamp

    LEFT JOIN u_edinet ON bo.fref=u_edinet.numproj

    WHERE bo.fref=595

    GROUP BY bo.FREF,BI.REF,BI.edebito


    but the data returned is not acurate

    595 0.000000

    595 625 451.360000

    595 625 930.000000

    595 625 1233.800000

    595 63 5326.420000

    595 63 12568.640000

    595 63 16553.070000

    595 63 16731.940000

    I need something like this

    ProjectNumber | REF | VALUE

    595 625 1000 ( sum of all the values that are on the tables BI,FN,U_EDINET from ref 595)


    please HELP me, is it possible to make a selection from records that match into a new table, by this way i would have a table with data from the tables

  • What about the second column value of 625, how did you pick this one out of the possible values from within the ref 595 group? Do you want the highest? If so, try this?



    SUM(BI.edebito) as soma

    FROM bo

    LEFT JOIN bi ON bo.bostamp=BI.bostamp

    LEFT JOIN u_edinet ON bo.fref=u_edinet.numproj

    WHERE bo.fref=595



    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • carlos cachulo-318532 (12/1/2010)


    I´ve these tables

    BO, BI, FN and U_IDINET

    I need to group and sum several fields whithin this tabels

    BO and BI can be joined by BO.BOSTAMP=BI.BOSTAMP

    BO and FN can be joined by BO.FREF=FN.FNFREF

    and U_EDINET can be joined to FN or BO with U_IDINET.NUMPROJ=BO.FREF or FN.FNREF.

    I´ve tryed

    SELECT DISTINCT BO.FREF,BI.ref,SUM(BI.edebito) as soma FROM bo

    LEFT JOIN bi ON bo.bostamp=BI.bostamp

    LEFT JOIN u_edinet ON bo.fref=u_edinet.numproj

    WHERE bo.fref=595

    GROUP BY bo.FREF,BI.REF,BI.edebito


    but the data returned is not acurate

    595 0.000000

    595 625 451.360000

    595 625 930.000000

    595 625 1233.800000

    595 63 5326.420000

    595 63 12568.640000

    595 63 16553.070000

    595 63 16731.940000

    I need something like this

    ProjectNumber | REF | VALUE

    595 625 1000 ( sum of all the values that are on the tables BI,FN,U_EDINET from ref 595)


    please HELP me, is it possible to make a selection from records that match into a new table, by this way i would have a table with data from the tables

    I need something like this

    ProjectNumber | REF | VALUE

    595 625 1000 ( sum of all the values that are on the tables BI,FN,U_EDINET from ref 595)

    this is just an example tables BI,FN and U_EDINET had several records that i need


    ProjectNumber | REF | VALUE

    595 625 1000

    595 63 1500

    595 200 50

    thanks for you fast reply

  • How are you getting a sum of 1000 for that? I think it would help if you gave an example of your table DDL, and a few sample rows for each table and an example of how you would expect the data to look.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • ok, with new values PROJECT = 888

    _TABLES BO and BI

    select bo.fref,bi.ref,bi.edebito from bo

    inner join BI on bo.bostamp=bi.bostamp where bo.fref=888


    888 625 100.000000

    888 6221 200.000000

    888 63 300.000000

    888 625 500.000000


    select fn.fnfref,fn.ref,fn.epv from fn where fn.fnfref=888


    888 625 50.00

    888 63 100.00

    888 625 50.00


    select u_edinet.numproj,u_edinet.ref,u_edinet.importe from u_edinet where u_edinet.numproj=888


    888 625 100.00

    888 625 50.00

    888 63 200.00

    The final result should be:


    888 625 850.00

    888 63 600.00

    888 6221 200.00

    colum SOMA should be the sum of all values from the 3 tables SUM(BI.EDEBITO+FN.EPV+U_EDINET.IMPORTE) grouped by ref


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