Alas Poor Snapshot, I Knew Him Well

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Alas Poor Snapshot, I Knew Him Well

  • I got to finish my lunch

  • lucky I didn't like my lunch....

    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

  • Great quality question.. Content (and humour!) aside, the question itself actually made you think and apply logic to come up with the most likely correct answer (which we all have to do when troubleshooting) and not just know hard facts about a particular feature. One of the best qotd for a long while... Thanks..

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • arthurolcot (3/20/2014)

    Great quality question.. Content (and humour!) aside, the question itself actually made you think and apply logic to come up with the most likely correct answer (which we all have to do when troubleshooting) and not just know hard facts about a particular feature. One of the best qotd for a long while... Thanks..


    Great thought out question

  • I didn't know Chipotles were real places. I'd only seen them on that South Park episode. Really good question though!

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • Good, thoughtful question and, even better, step-by-step discussion of each possible answer.


  • Very good question. Loved the wording! And an even better answer, as the explanation was very detailed.

    Good way to start my day 🙂


  • Great question. I did get to eat my lunch, but only after consulting books online (good thing I have an unlimited data plan!) and doing a bit of thinking.

    Good way to get the Ol' brain cells in gear for the day. :satisfied:

  • Good Question Andy!

    Your raising the bar for all of us attempting to write a good QOTD.

  • Great question. I did not get to finish my lunch, either.

    Before I called you & interrupted your lunch, however, I would have reviewed what the error was (from the answer):

    "Database cannot be reverted. Either the primary or the snapshot names are improperly specified, all other snapshots have not been dropped, or there are missing files."

    That may have pointed me in the right direction. Then I would have done some research. Hopefully by then either I would have the solution or you would be back in the office; and you would have enjoyed your lunch uninterrupted.

    Thanks -


    P.S. It should be noted that I wasn't invited to lunch (I love Chipotle). Instead, I'm at the office wondering why the revert didn't work :crazy:. Upshot: I learned something very valuable that I will never forget...

  • Great question. Made me dig into BOL and learn.

    I did get to finish lunch 🙂 even though I currently have no responsibility for backups/restores.


  • Nice explanation Andy

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Great question all the way around. I liked the content and the "real world" situation as well as the detailed explanation that was given. Unfortunately, I did not get to finish my lunch...this time. 😀

    Everything is awesome!

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