alert of all failure subscriptions by email

  • Hi,

    How are you? We have 500 reports and subscriptions. We are not able to see every day every subscription status wheather it is succesfully ran or not.

    Is there any way to send an alert of all failure subscriptions by email or any other way?



  • You can query the reporting services database for information about subscriptions and last run status. The query below, run it against your reporting services database, is something I use to review a number of report and subscription items. It doesn't answer your question directly, but I think it may lead you in the right direction.

    SELECT cat.[Name]


    ,res.ScheduleID AS JobID





    ,LEFT(CAST(sch.next_run_date AS CHAR(8)),4)

    + '-' + SUBSTRING(CAST(sch.next_run_date AS CHAR(8)),5,2)

    + '-' + RIGHT(CAST(sch.next_run_date AS CHAR(8)),2)

    + ' ' + CASE WHEN LEN(CAST(sch.next_run_time AS VARCHAR(6))) = 5

    THEN '0' + LEFT(CAST(sch.next_run_time AS VARCHAR(6)),1)

    ELSE LEFT(CAST(sch.next_run_time AS VARCHAR(6)),2) END

    +':' + CASE WHEN LEN(CAST(sch.next_run_time AS VARCHAR(6))) = 5

    THEN SUBSTRING(CAST(sch.next_run_time AS VARCHAR(6)),2,2)

    ELSE SUBSTRING(CAST(sch.next_run_time AS VARCHAR(6)),3,2) END

    + ':00.000' AS NextRunTime

    ,CASE WHEN job.[enabled] = 1 THEN 'Enabled' ELSE 'Disabled' END AS JobStatus

    FROM dbo.Catalog AS cat

    INNER JOIN dbo.Subscriptions AS sub

    ON cat.ItemID = sub.Report_OID

    INNER JOIN dbo.ReportSchedule AS res

    ON cat.ItemID = res.ReportID

    AND sub.SubscriptionID = res.SubscriptionID

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS job

    ON CAST(res.ScheduleID AS VARCHAR(36)) = job.[name]

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules AS sch

    ON job.job_id = sch.job_id

    ORDER BY cat.[Name]

  • Thank you,


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