Alert on available space in datafile

  • I use the sp_spaceused to find the available space in the datafile (due to autogrow problems).

    How can I create the alert (there is a perf counter for Percent Log used (under the Database Counter)). Is there anything similar to use for the datafile?

    Should this be a trigger that runs the alert? I haven't worked much with this so any hints are appreciated.


  • I have this query running every 15 Minutes with sqlagent.

    It writes a message to winnt-eventlog which is captured by HPOVow

    Primitive, but it works.

    declare @DB_Criterium    int

    /* ** criterium % must be free  ** */

    set @DB_Criterium = case @@servername

                       when 'KW1' then 10

                       when 'SRSF1' then 5

                       when 'DB04' then 2

        else 5


    declare @DB_FileNaam    varchar(30)

    declare @intFileSizeMb int

    declare @intPctFree int

    declare @intCurrentPctFree int

    declare @SumReservedMB as float

    declare @FileSizeMB as float

    declare @MaxSizeMB as float

    declare @CurrentPctFree as float

    declare @TotalPctFree as float

    declare @PctFreeToExpand as float

    declare Csr_FileOvz cursor local Fast_Forward FOR 

     select Sum_reserved_MB, File_Size_MB, MaxSizeMB, 100 - ( Sum_reserved_MB / File_Size_MB * 100) as Current_Pct_Free, 100 - ( Sum_reserved_MB / MaxSizeMB * 100) as Total_Pct_Free, Pct_Free_To_Expand, Naam

     from (

     select sum(convert(float,size) * 8 / 1024) as  File_Size_MB -- ( size  / 1024 * 8) as  File_Size_MB

      , sum((case maxsize

              when -1 then maxsize

              else convert(float, maxsize)  * 8 / 1024

             end)) as MaxSizeMB

      , sum((case maxsize

              when -1 then Null

              else 100 - (( convert(float,size) * 8 )* 100 /(convert(float, maxsize)  * 8))

             end)) as Pct_Free_To_Expand

      , min(name) as naam

      from sysfiles

      where name like '%data%'

    &nbsp FileSizes

     , (

     select  sum(reserved_KB) / 1024  as Sum_reserved_MB


     (select reserved * d.low / 1024  as reserved_KB, as ObjectName_ID

     from master.dbo.spt_values d

     , (select id, sum(convert(float,reserved)) as Reserved

          from sysindexes

          where indid in (0, 1, 255)

        group by id

        ) a

     where d.number = 1

       and d.type = 'E'

    &nbsp PagesReserved

           ) SizePagesReserved

    Open Csr_FileOVz

    FETCH NEXT FROM Csr_FileOVz INTO @SumReservedMB, @FileSizeMB, @MaxSizeMB, @CurrentPctFree,@TotalPctFree, @PctFreeToExpand, @DB_FileNaam /*Get the 1st row*/

    WHILE @@fetch_status=0   /*set into loop until no more data can be found*/


     IF not @@fetch_status = -2


         IF @TotalPctFree is null


                    print 'Grootte [' + ltrim(str( @FileSizeMb )) + '] MB '




              set @intpctfree = @TotalPctFree

              set @intCurrentPctFree = @CurrentPctFree

                IF @TotalPctFree < @DB_Criterium


          raiserror ('ALZDBA_Check_FreeSpace : Database < ''%d'' pct free : CurrentPctFree ''%d'' , TotalPctFree ''%d'' , Db ''%s''. Verwittig ALZDBA.',

            16, 1, @DB_Criterium, @intCurrentPctFree, @intPctFree, @DB_FileNaam ) with log




       Print 'FileSize '+ ltrim(str(@FileSizeMb)) + 'MB / MaxSize ' + ltrim(str(@MaxSizeMb)) + ' / Pct_Free : CurrentPctFree [' + ltrim(str( @intCurrentPctFree )) + '] <> TotalPctFree [' + ltrim(str( @intpctfree )) +']'




     FETCH NEXT FROM Csr_FileOVz INTO @SumReservedMB, @FileSizeMB, @MaxSizeMB, @CurrentPctFree,@TotalPctFree, @PctFreeToExpand, @DB_FileNaam  /* get the next row*/


    Close Csr_FileOVz



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  • I've created a SQL Server Performance Condition Alert that was based on file size rather % used on an old server I have.

    It mails me when the file size of the tempdb exceeds 'n' KB, I've also triggered it to fire a dbcc shrinkdb cmd too. In case it reaches it's limit over the weekend or over night.

  • Thanks - I'll use your input and the sp_spaceused (I forgot i could just get the code :hehe and try get a script working.


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