Alerts will not fire!

  • I have a newly installed version on SQL Server 2000 (SP3) on a new server which no matter what I seem to do, refuses to fire Alerts. 

    The startup account is the same for the MS SQL Server and the SQLServerAgent services and is also the same account used by other SQL Servers running without this problem. The mail profile created on the server is the same as the startup account and all the email "Tests" within SQL Server Agent work without a problem.

    If I create a new Alert to fire when a specific error occurs, then use raiserror to initialise the error, the alert does not fire, but the error is getting logged in the SQL Server logs.

    I have tried all the items raise on and none of them fix my problems.

    Can anyone suggest a solution?

  • Does the error appear in the windows event log under applications?

    When running RAISERROR, are you including the "with log" option?

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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