All I Want For Christmas Is ...

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  • Merry Christmas if you're Christian, happy holiday season if you're not.

    Old quote from a magnet on my fridg... "The best things in life are not things". I've got my health, a great job, a great set of bosses (yeah, more than one), a wonderful Fiancée who is also my best friend, and a great set of friends at work, away from work, and on this forum...

    ...I couldn't ask for anything more at Christmas than what I already have except that I wish everyone the same good fortune.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • Merry Christmas!

    I have to agree with Jeff. There isn't much that I really want or could use. I have a great family that is supportive of my career and outside interests (even though my wife calls herself a soccer widow 20 weeks out of the year). I have great friends, co-workers, a good job which challenges me and is allowing me to grow in my knowledge not only of SQL Server but IT in general.

    I hope others have the same opportunities, if not now in the future.

    Here is to a wonderful year and may there be many more in the future!

  • For a little levity as to "santa" requests, here's a kind of funny take on one of those "Microsoft'isms" gone bad..... I still haven't fully recovered from the laugh fest when I came across this....

    Bad Santa....Bad, Bad Santa

    As for me - can we get some world peace??? (all right - that's me channeling Miss Congeniality....)

    There isn't much I can ask for either. I just find myself hoping for more time with my loved ones. I've lost a few recently, and had a few more scares, so it's been a time to remember that it's one of the few things you can't ask for later. Use it abuse it if need be, and above all cherish and take every advantage of it. Working 500 miles from home is no doubt weighing into that feeling somewhat as well.

    Anyway - just be good to each other and to all. Things just tend to work from that point....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • With age and income all the small gadgets and useful gizmos have been bought (and ebayed as you realise that you really don't have a use for a juicer/breadmaker/can opener/electric knife etc)

    I agree with everyone else above health, family, friends and happiness are the real gifts.

    But... wouldn't it be nice to feel like you were 5 again and find that sack waiting to be opened. The excitement, the expectation of the unknown! Fantastic. If I could can/tin that....

  • Wow, I hate to break the trend, but despite my very good life (and the new CTO who is making things MUCH better at work :D), there IS one item on the material list that I'd like to get for the holidays.

    Please, Please, someone give me new cubicle walls! The baby-puke yellow is really irritating - and gross as well. :sick: Blue is sooo much more soothing...

    Here there be dragons...,

    Steph Brown

  • Matt Miller (12/6/2007)

    As for me - can we get some world peace??? (all right - that's me channeling Miss Congeniality....)

    I love that movie! 😀

    As for what I want for Christmas... not a hippopotamus (our radio station is being obnoxious by playing that song over and over). The only thing I'm asking for this Christmas (which may sound weird) is to have my injured chinchilla fully healed. We've spent the past month in vet visits, multiple surgeries, and casts. I just want it all to end and have her back in with her cage mates, where she'll be happy.

    Otherwise, to quote my husband and father-in-law, "I want peace on earth, goodwill to men... "

  • Merry Christmas!!!!

    Likewise all others, I don't have anything to ask for except the fact that, please, please, someone could shift me to some other project than what I'm currently working on. It's just a hell of a project with deadlines close enough, no idea of scope documents & PMs sitting on my head screwing up. :alien:

    Wish me Good Luck!!!!


  • Stephanie J Brown (12/7/2007)

    Wow, I hate to break the trend, but despite my very good life (and the new CTO who is making things MUCH better at work :D), there IS one item on the material list that I'd like to get for the holidays.

    Please, Please, someone give me new cubicle walls! The baby-puke yellow is really irritating - and gross as well. :sick: Blue is sooo much more soothing...

    Oh - don't get me wrong - a drill press would be LOVELY....hehe... oh and at work, Santa, can I get a 16-way quad-core test server with 128GB of RAM and oodles of disk space? PLEEEEEEZ?

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Boomslang CE 2007 mouse by Razer. They finally brough back the classic and made it optical. There are only 10,000 made worldwide. Mine is coming in the mail this coming Tuesday. Can't wait.

    If there are any gamers reading this forum, but one of these.

    Live to Throw
    Throw to Live
    Will Summers

  • Never had much of a preference on mice, but let us know how it goes, Will.

    Matt, what's an oodle? Is that a measure for 10TB 🙂

  • Merry Christmas everyone:D

  • Come on - somebody's got to chime in with gadgets! I would enjoy a Pocket PC phone that works reliably. Don’t get me wrong my PPC-6700 (an HTC device) works fine. It is just more like Windows 3.1 than Windows 95. Remember that difference?

    I think it needs to be a device that wasn’t designed by committee. Something that went through an evolution based on users’ feedback. Is that too much to ask? Oh…and a side of World Peace, please. 🙂

  • No one wants their boss to do something?

    Peter, no first class travel? Extra night on the road?

    Will, no dedicated time to experiment with mouse speeds/sensitivity?

    Matt, no "road breaks" to drive around and relax during those stressful days?

  • Steve Jones - Editor (12/7/2007)

    Never had much of a preference on mice, but let us know how it goes, Will.

    Matt, what's an oodle? Is that a measure for 10TB 🙂

    If it is - then let's get that test server with lots and lots of oodles of disk space......:hehe: I need some extra horsepower to run minesweeper....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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