Alter Index Fail Error: Invalid object name 'dbo.DatabaseLog'

  • Hi Everyone,

    One of our SSIS jobs failed this morning(It's been running successfully for nearly 2 months now). The failure occured when running an alter index script.

    If i copy the code from the SSIS component and run it in Management Studio I get the same error.

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tr_EyeInTheSky, Line 20

    Invalid object name 'dbo.DatabaseLog'.

    I've tried rebuilding indexes (spelling?) on other tables in the same database and also indexes on other tables in different databases but on same server and the same error occurs with them all.

    It seems to me like one of the dba's has created this stored procedure called tr_EyeInTheSky to track certain actions on the server. But I can't find the silly thing.

    I need to find out more about this tr_EyeInTheSky but don't know where to look. I've checked the following:

    SELECT *

    FROM sys.objects

    WHERE name LIKE 'tr_%'

    DECLARE @StringToSearch VARCHAR(50)

    SET @StringToSearch = '%tr_eye%'

    SELECT Distinct SO.Name

    FROM sysobjects SO (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN syscomments SC (NOLOCK) on SO.Id = SC.ID

    AND SO.Type = 'P'

    AND SC.Text LIKE @stringtosearch

    ORDER BY SO.Name

    Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi Everyone,

    Sorry for this, we found the problem, it is a ddl trigger.


    William :w00t:

  • Just as a p.s. sysobjects and syscomments are both deprecated, included only for backward compat and will be removed from a future version. Use sys.objects and sys.sql_modules instead.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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