Alter Tables structure of articles in Replication

  • Hi,

    I would like to run the stored procedure at Publisher database The stored procedure has "ALTER TABLE" commands (dropping FKs and recreate FKs). What is the best way to do this kind of operations. Thank  you for your time and help.



  • In order to run ALTER TABLE script, you must drop your subscriptions. The script below also drops the article to allow for column adds/deletes/mods then re-creates pub article. This is not always necessary, perhaps only a dropsubscription is needed, this is entirely up to you...

    --Drop Subscription & Article

    exec sp_dropsubscription @publication =  'Pub1'

        ,  @article =  'MyTable'

        , @subscriber =  'MySubscrServer'

    exec sp_droparticle @publication = 'fxDB6_Pub1'

        , @article = 'MyTable'

    -- Make DDL changes



    -- Add article ***IMPORTANT: you should script your own article to capture pub properties

    exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'Pub1', @article = N'MyTable', @source_owner = N'dbo'

     , @source_object = N'MyTable', @destination_table = N'MyTable', @type = N'logbased', @creation_script = null

     , @description = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x00000000000000F3, @status = 16

     , @vertical_partition = N'false', @ins_cmd = N'CALL sp_MSins_MyTable', @del_cmd = N'CALL sp_MSdel_MyTable', @upd_cmd = N'MCALL sp_MSupd_MyTable', @filter = null

     , @sync_object = null, @auto_identity_range = N'false'

    -- Add Subscription(s)

    exec sp_addsubscription @publication = 'Pub1'

        , @article = 'MyTable'

        , @subscriber = 'MySubscrServer'

        , @destination_db = 'SubscrDBName'

        , @sync_type = 'none' -- 'automatic' if you want Snapshot agent to create snapshot only for MyTable article



    ChrisB MCDBA OCP

    Chris Becker

  • Thank you Chris


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