Alternative to the Microsoft MMC Console

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  • Since the writting of this article I have developed the right click and disconnect idea.  If you would like the files for this then PM (click on my username) me or post an email address and I will ship them off to you.

    I also noticed that the area in which the activeX object opens isn't always consistent.  While it typically only changes by a few pixels at a time, I haven't been able to figure out why yet.

  • Haven't tried it out yet, but just read your article.  Cool Concept!

    Thanks for sharing, will give it a whirl.


  • Well, I tried this, but it looks like this may be outside my skill there anything special that needs to be done to make this work?  I am more a DBA, not a programmer...

    -- Cory

  • Great work and thanks for sharing! My hunch is that I have used this ActiveX control when using Virtual Server but I definitely have never attempted to use the control in my own custom page.

  • It's not that difficult, but if you are trying to do it on your own then you will definitely need a good programming skill set in javascript or vbscript.

  • Thanks! I will ask around and see what help I can get.

    -- Cory

  • Cory, are you trying to setup the whole thing, or just the right click and disconnect feature?

    If it is just the disconnect feature then PM me with your email and I will send it to you.

    If you are trying to set the whole thing up for the first time, then I don't think you will need an increadibly indepth programming skill set.

  • Jereme,

    Great article!  A few screen shots would have been nice... 

  • Good idea, sorry this is only my second article.  I will remember that suggestion for next time.

  • Jereme,

    Not bad for your second article.  I read your first one too on Printing in .NET.  Keep up the good work!  You have a very helpful style. 

  • As you are missing the /inc folder, and files, what is the db table structure. this sounds like a great idea but the missing files obscure the solution you used....

  • I posted this once but it went to the wrong place.  The original post went here:  I couldn't find a way to delete that post.

    I am having difficulty setting this up to work.  I have a virtual directory in IIS with the pages downloaded to it, and I have installed the tswebsetup.exe from

    In connections.asp these files are referenced:

    <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="/" -->
    <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="/" -->
    <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="/inc/" -->

    But these files are not included in the zip file for download, and there is no mention in the article as to the contents or format these files need in order to work on the page.  I get this error when I visit the page:

    Error Type:

    Active Server Pages, ASP 0130 (0x80004005)

    File attribute '/' cannot start with forward slash or back slash.

    /newmmc/connections.asp, line 4

    I thought would include the servers to include in the list, but it looks like it wants to connect to a SQL Server to get that list, so I created a new DB and added a ServerList table and an SP for the page to call to get the list.

    I got past the error stemming from the constant adCmdStoredProc not being defined by downloading from here:

    That brought me to this error, which is probably because I need the function which is defined in

    Error Type:

    Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)

    Type mismatch: 'ConvertText'

    /newmmc/connections.asp, line 22


    On another topic, does this forum only work for IE? I tried with both Opera 9 and FireFox 1.5 and neither one would let me type into the reply box, and there were multiple JavaScript errors reported in both error consoles.

  • Nice short article, but probably a little too short and definately needs some screenshots. Maybe after "a couple hours", a extra couple of hours should have been spent making everything presentable.

    The provided download should be easy to setup and get working. Unfortunately there seems to be a couple of missing files, the asp page calls a stored procedure that is not mentioned or provided in the download. It seems other posters have had other various issues as well.

    Maybe I'm missing something, but how is this any different that the Remote Desktop snap-in provided in the Windows Server 2003 Admin Tools Pack?


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Great article, thanks.

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