Alternative way to get the tables row count

  • I have read some IT publications were journalists say that there could be an alternative and effective way to count a table’s    rows; rather than use SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MYTABLE …………[1] is

    SELECT rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('MYTABLE') AND indid < 2  …… [2]
    However, unfortunately, some times it does not work fine for me.
    I used DTS in Vb6.0  to load Data Form Text File to SQL SERVER 2000 DB.
    After that if I used the method [2] or right click on the table from EnterPrise Manager then click on Properties then it shows rows as 1841977
    Whereas the query [1] produced the result  as  1842251.
    Can any one help me to get rid from this confusion?
    Thanks in advance

    ..Better Than Before...

  • Update the statistics on the table. This can get out of synch. Also, you should have a clustered index on the table (indid =1), which ensures accuracy most of the time.

  • sysindexes is used strictly for a close enough row count for the indexes themselves.  It was not meant to be queried off of for row count.  You could possibly add an IDENTITY field and then do MAX on that but again if rows are DELETED this woulod be off as well....


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • It takes time for SQL Server to update the usage.  You can kick off the process yourself with DBCC UPDATEUSAGE.

  • Try this.

    declare @rc int

    EXEC sp_table_validation 'tablename', @rc OUTPUT, @rowcount_only=1

    select @rc

  • What about sp_spaceused?


  • sp_spaceused uses the numbers from sysindexes, so it will be just as inaccurate. sysindexes can be seriously inaccurate. Ever see databases with negative free space? I just had a problem today where DBCC UPDATEUSAGE dropped the rowcount on a table from over 1 million to 127. It was performing abysmally (before UPDATEUSAGE) because it was choosing bad execution plans based on the bad count.

    One good use I've found for sysindexes is for checking the progress of a large insert. Even if the destination table is locked exclusively, "SELECT reserved / 128.0 AS MegaBytes WHERE ID = OBJECT_ID('MyTable') AND indid < 2" will show how much data is in the table. The rowcnt field will not be updated until the insert completes, but reserved is updated continuously. As long as the MegaBytes value is increasing you know your remote query hasn't gotten hung up.

  • Hi,

        It is working like as below: 

    dbcc updateusage ('Mydatabase','MYTABLE')   WITH   COUNT_ROWS


    select rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('MYTABLE') AND indid < 2



    But it takes longer time than select count(*) from MYTABLE …[1]

    For instance;

                     My table has 15338371 rows

                    And [1] takes 30 seconds, Where as [2] takes 38 seconds on average.

    So is there any way to check whether sysindexes is updated or not, then I may use the logic



             select rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('MYTABLE') AND indid < 2


        dbcc updateusage ('Mydatabase','MYTABLE')



    select rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('MYTABLE') AND indid < 2



    ..Better Than Before...

  • As others have said, sysindexes is for approximation only, it is not guaranteed to show the exact number of rows at any given time.

    If your process requires that you find an exact count you can trust at all times, then the only way to get that is to do what you started with -

    'select count(*) from myTable'.


  • ok

    Thanks to u ALL

    ..Better Than Before...

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