AlwaysOn - Send Rate

  • Quick question -

    I'm looking to find the exact send rate when alwayson (AVG) isconfigured.

    For instance - when sql 2008 mirroring is configured, you can launch the mirroring monitor from w/in SSMS and the application will provide the send rate and restore rate for both the principal and mirror node.

    I have AlwaysOn configured with servers in NYC and LA and I'm trying to find if the send rate is readily available in the SSMS GUI (don't see it in the AVG dashboard). I have the data from perfmon - but i'm hoping it's avaiable in SSMS.


  • In the availability group dashboard, right click on the gray bars that have the column names (e.g., Name Replica, Synchronization State) to get additional display counters such as Log Queue Size, Log Send Rate, Last LSN, etc. Hope it has the counters you need.

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