An Introduction to Database Design

  • part 2+ could discuss the ongoing success of Bob's business:

    Returning customers update their address info, Alice is rightly concerned about the loss of information when Bob overwrites the old records with new data.

    Alice's excellent reporting indicates an easy win by changing the price of a popular product. Bob helps himself to the price data and retroactively makes 3 years worth of accounts due for the difference. How does Alice fix it?

    Bob hires an assistant salesperson who actively works on new orders while Bob is asking questions of the data. Concurrency issues caused by the "give me everything" approach and how to solve them.

    How does Alice know when does Bob's business has outgrown SQLServer Express?

  • Mike Dougherty-384281 (1/18/2011)

    part 2+ could discuss the ongoing success of Bob's business:

    Returning customers update their address info, Alice is rightly concerned about the loss of information when Bob overwrites the old records with new data.

    Alice's excellent reporting indicates an easy win by changing the price of a popular product. Bob helps himself to the price data and retroactively makes 3 years worth of accounts due for the difference. How does Alice fix it?

    Bob hires an assistant salesperson who actively works on new orders while Bob is asking questions of the data. Concurrency issues caused by the "give me everything" approach and how to solve them.

    How does Alice know when does Bob's business has outgrown SQLServer Express?

    I would certainly want to read that article.

    (Paul, this is a small hint)


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  • Koen (da-zero) (1/18/2011)

    Mike Dougherty-384281 (1/18/2011)

    part 2+ could discuss the ongoing success of Bob's business:

    Returning customers update their address info, Alice is rightly concerned about the loss of information when Bob overwrites the old records with new data.

    Alice's excellent reporting indicates an easy win by changing the price of a popular product. Bob helps himself to the price data and retroactively makes 3 years worth of accounts due for the difference. How does Alice fix it?

    Bob hires an assistant salesperson who actively works on new orders while Bob is asking questions of the data. Concurrency issues caused by the "give me everything" approach and how to solve them.

    How does Alice know when does Bob's business has outgrown SQLServer Express?

    I would certainly want to read that article.

    (Paul, this is a small hint)


    I, too, would love to read it and I think it would be a great article for either Paul or Ken to write (or both! mwoohahaha 😀 )


    Mike Walsh
    SQL Server DBA
    Blog - |Twitter

  • part 3 can be about Bob trying to migrate to Cassandra DB and it's 2 billion column/table limit

  • It's a very well constructed piece but the approach to keys also bothers me. The article constantly refers to "the key" and dependencies on that one key. As a primer on database design this is potentially very misleading. The point of normalization is that it is equally concerned with ALL the candidate keys of a table and not just one key per table. So yet again a potential misconception about "primary" keys is apparently being supported (intentially or not).

    This would be OK because apparently the intention of the example is to show tables with just ONE key each. However, there is such a weight of misinformation on this point that a better approach would be to try to redress the balance rather than give an example so similar to many others on the same topic.

  • the database needs a few more tables

    an inventory table to track inventory and will link back to the products table

    an orders table

    an inventory purchases table

  • Superb introductory article. 'tis a keeper!

  • Great article.

    R Glen Cooper

  • I really enjoyed your article Paul. This is the way I prefer to learn, via a practical example. I think this article is exactly how to teach database design to people who are unfamiliar with databases. You don't want to look at this article from the point of view of an experienced database developer. Yes the design is not "right" yet, but the database will do what Bob needs it to do for now. Later, he can learn how to further improve his database.

    This is approximately how I learnt to design databases and my knowledge has grown with each mentor I have had and with the challenges each new database has provided. Everyone makes mistakes with new experiences and then you can learn from them.


    Nicole Bowman

    Nothing is forever.

  • Excellent Article Paul. I hope many people will find it useful.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • This is a decent, simple, and very early rough-out of a database design. I doubt the author intended this to be the final database design.

    I particularly enjoyed the story as I have run across more than a few databases that were designed with help of a friend who had only brief university exposure to design. :crazy:

    Bob will have to bypass Alice and bring in someone who can complete the design.

    Nice first step explanation, though.

  • Thanks everyone for the comments, both here and by email.

    At the risk of stating the painfully obvious, of course the design has limitations, and yes in some important respects the paper receipts are superior.

    The point is that learning good database design is a process (as Steve mentioned). The approach I chose was to introduce a couple of really important concepts per article. I was very conscious of the need to avoid overwhelming those for whom this is a completely new way of thinking.

    On balance, I decided that the introduction was quite challenging enough without rushing into discussions of changes over time (e.g. prices), surrogate versus natural keys, multiple candidate keys...and so on and so on.

    So, yes, as most of you seem to have guessed: Alice and Bob will return 😉

  • I took a "Fundamentals of Database Design" class last semester (for credit only; it was insulting since I am pretty well-versed in fundamental DB design already through self-training). And you put in one article what took my professor an entire semester to discuss. Such a total waste of time, that class was.

    As for the argument going on about the examples portrayed in the story, I think this is a very sound and reasonable introduction to database design. The key word is "introduction". There will be much a DB designer will still need to tackle before implementing a proper system. As far as an introduction goes, this is one of the finest articles I've read. Concise, entertaining, applicable to real-life situations.

  • This is a excellent article!!! Great work Paul....

  • Well done. I just sent your article to our new member. It should be a great reading for

    1st day at new job.

    So, yes, as most of you seem to have guessed: Alice and Bob will return 😉

    Looking forward.

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