Analysis Services Error: Urgent Help

  • Hi All,

    I am using Win XP Pro (SP1), SQL Server 2000 Developer (SP3). After installing SP3 when i try to connect to Analysis Services i get an error. "Unable to connect to the registry of the Server <Server Name>". I am dministrator of the system and i dont have any permissions issues. I have tried to reinstall the SQL server but no luck and now i am stuck.

    Waiting for urgent reply.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind Regards,


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • If you have Analysis Services running on a server and are trying to connect from your desktop, you will get the error you described if you did not install the same Service Pack for Analysis Services on your desktop that you installed on the server.

  • But i amd trying ot connect it to the enterprise manager of Analysis services and i ma using a single machine and it used to work in case of win2k professional.

  • You may want to review and try the things suggested here...

    Also, make sure you have loaded (maybe even reload) SP3 (this was a known issue pre-SP1




  • Add on to the problem i want ot ask one question, is there any difference between SQL Service Packs and Analysis Server Service Packs. coz i have found in some articles that apply Analysis Services SP1 or later. Does SQL server 2000 SP3a contains fixes for Analysis Services or is there sperate Service Packs which we need to apply. My understanding is that SP3a should conatain fixes for all relevant SQL Server 2000 Products.



  • When you get an SP for SQL Server it includes seperated SPs for the database and for Analysis Services.

  • Crucker1 is right. If you got your SP on CD, look for the msolap folder, it will contain the Analysis Services service pack (for the server, and the sub-folder of DTS is for your client machines).

    If you downloaded it from MSft, you definitely need to download a separate service pack exe for AS and for the relation engine.




  • Thanks every body,

    Yes, when i installed SP from CD it had a spereate folder and i installed it and now its working fine, every problem is solved. and downloaded SP does not contain the analysis services SP.

    Thanks again,



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