analysis the isse.pls advice...

  • Hi All,

    How can I analysis slowness from SQL Profiler.We are facing slowness issue for all application in between 10:45 am to 12 pm ;so i have traced the in that time.

    After that aslo i have traced .Queries running in between 10:45 am tp 12 pm took few milliseconds .same time taken after 12 pm I ran the profiler.Manager asked me find out which query takes time.Here while opening home page site it self takes so much time.From last 1 month we are facing the slowness issue in timely fashion..and regularly we are getting script timed out error and memory out of index error also for some applications

    Please suggest....

  • Please check whether any scheduled jobs like 'Backup' or 'Re-index' jobs run during that time. Also check for any "Blocking" processes during that window.

    If not, please also check any resource intensive "Scheduled Tasks" run at the Operating system level.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • yes ,backup has been scheduled at 11 clock morning at it'll be completed with 20 mins, other than nothing is scheduled.

  • srimkumarp (3/16/2009)

    Hi All,

    How can I analysis slowness from SQL Profiler.We are facing slowness issue for all application in between 10:45 am to 12 pm ;so i have traced the in that time.

    After that aslo i have traced .Queries running in between 10:45 am tp 12 pm took few milliseconds .same time taken after 12 pm I ran the profiler.Manager asked me find out which query takes time.Here while opening home page site it self takes so much time.From last 1 month we are facing the slowness issue in timely fashion..and regularly we are getting script timed out error and memory out of index error also for some applications

    Please suggest....

    use tuning template and filter out the queries greater than 3 sec or as required.

    Look for blocking...u can use

    select * from sys.sysprocesses where blocked>0


  • i have traced the same thing in profiler it is showing queries which is takes > 2 sec.

    i have tunned through DTA but performance wise same thing it is showing while running running from application.

    There is no blocking in processess.

    thanks, kumar.

  • srimkumarp (3/16/2009)

    i have traced the same thing in profiler it is showing queries which is takes > 2 sec.

    i have tunned through DTA but performance wise same thing it is showing while running running from application.

    There is no blocking in processess.

    thanks, kumar.

    u can also include show plan column to get the execution plan for the queries; also find the useful indexes and defrag them if needed... as us said that it takes time even to login into the machine...can u post the profiler result....


  • HI, please find the profiler screen shot and advice

  • srimkumarp (3/16/2009)

    How can I analysis slowness from SQL Profiler.We are facing slowness issue for all application in between 10:45 am to 12 pm ;so i have traced the in that time.

    There was an article published at Simple Talk yesterday covering exactly this (

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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