Analytical Help - Customer Lifetime Value

  • Hi all, I have been given the job to create a query that will help show the lifetime value of customers.

    Each set of customers will be grouped by first buy date and split into quarters. Each month a new result is appended to that row showing AVG value.

    The reason for the question is just to get some pointers to any analytical already baked SQL 2012 T-SQL that could help me out.

    Thanks in advance


  • what is the business definition of "lifetime value of customers"?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • It would be very helpfull if you can give us some sample data and the desired result.

    See this link on how to post sample data:

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • I gather its a marketing tool.

    So you get a group of customers who bought in Year 2010 Q1 and you track the same groups spent through the years.

    2010 Q2 - £50 AVG

    2010 Q3 - £30

    2010 Q4 - £25

    so each month a new group appears and you track them.

    Year Q Initial # Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6

    2013 4 $239 171

    2013 3 $338 198 48

    2013 2 $268 224 15 15

    2012 4 $203 160 8 6 11

    2012 3 $229 206 30 8 4 6

    2012 2 $273 202 14 8 9 5 12

    2012 1 $254 322 24 10 17 10 22 15


    So far I am getting the accounts by year and quarter and think to use that data in a CTE??






    [dbo].[orders] o

    inner join [dbo].[orderlines] ol on o.[order_id] = ol.[order_id]

    cross apply(values(year(o.[ship_date]))) as a1(orderyear)

    cross apply(values(DatePart(quarter,(o.[ship_date])))) as a2(orderquarter)


    product_code like ('ll%') and ship_date = (select min(ship_date) from [dbo].[orders] mo where mo.[order_id] = ol.order_id)

    and total_value>0 AND order_status NOT LIKE 'return%' AND order_status NOT LIKE 'cancel%' AND order_status NOT LIKE 'freeze%'


  • If anyone is interested. I solved it by creating the following query. I will loop this through each quarter and populate another table.

    with res








    [dbo].[orders] o

    inner join [dbo].[orderlines] ol on o.[order_id] = ol.[order_id]

    cross apply(values(year(o.[ship_date]))) as a1(orderyear)

    cross apply(values(DatePart(quarter,(o.[ship_date])))) as a2(orderquarter)


    product_code like ('ll%') and ship_date = (select min(ship_date) from [dbo].[orders] mo where [account_id] = o.account_id)

    and total_value>0 AND order_status NOT LIKE 'return%' AND order_status NOT LIKE 'cancel%' AND order_status NOT LIKE 'freeze%' and

    (SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM [FMTables].[dbo].[orderlines] WHERE order_id = (Select MIN(order_id) from [FMTables].[dbo].[orders] where account_id = o.account_id)

    AND weborder_prod_code IN('LL/CS50','LL/CS510','LL/CS520','LL/CS530','LL/CS540','wls/cs540/3pack', 'LL/S12','LL/HW291N','LL/HW251N','LL/JABRA/9450 PRO FLEX'))

    THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) = 'Y' and

    orderyear = 2013 and orderquarter = 3



    '2013 Q3' as StartGroup

    ,(select count(*) from res) as totalStart

    ,datepart(year,[ship_date]) as [Year]

    ,datepart(q,[ship_date]) as [quarter]

    ,Sum([total_price]) / (select count(*) from res) as AvgSpend


    [dbo].[orders] o

    inner join [dbo].[orderlines] ol on o.[order_id] = ol.[order_id]


    [account_id] in(select account_id from res) and [ship_date] is not null

    group by



    order by



    Thanks Scott

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