
  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Annoyances

  • I have a co-worker that likes the lights off... claims they cause too much heat. I don't complain about it much though. I deal with it until it gets too dark and then just turn on the lights.

    Live and let live. I find a deep breath and a brisk walk out of the chair usually stem most things. One has little control over their environment, but full control over their own attitude.

  • For a conversational starter I have a list :

    - Adjusting my chair - other people use my desk when I am not there, we have a large transient population, no problem with that but as a back pain sufferer why do they feel it necessary to fiddle with me chair every time?

    - Rudeness - all too often people leap to conclusions and don't like the fit with their ideas so rather than discussing just go off the deep end, we should work together, a weak suggestion rather than none can at least lead to discussion and an agreed result

    - People who don't like fresh air - too many office workers seem to like hot & stuffy which just sends me to sleep.

  • It's got to be people who don't answer their phone! We're all busy, but sometimes a phone is left ringing for someone else to pick up (we all do it, me included). It's frustrating though...especially when the ringer is turned up to max volume!

  • I agree with that last one about the phone ringing, although more annoyed with the caller - if they haven't picked up after the 12th ring, they're either busy or NOT THERE!!

    I get frustrated with people dismissing my ideas because "I will learn with experience" - a 19 year age gap really can cause issues! Please - if it's a genuinely bad idea, explain why! Don't just say that I'll learn over time.

  • Never mind Ben. I'm sure, with a little more experience, you will understand why they can't be bothered to explain 😛

  • /* Sigh */ lol!

    Well, one of them has just deleted all fact data out of our dev environment... hopefully they will learn from the experience 😛

  • dphillips (3/27/2009)

    I have a co-worker that likes the lights off... claims they cause too much heat. I don't complain about it much though. I deal with it until it gets too dark and then just turn on the lights.

    I'm the guy who likes the lights off because we are on an outside wall with plenty of windows. I usually get between 15 and 30 minutes of soothing darkness before a co-worker comes in to turn the lights on. I have a lamp at my desk that I use when I need a little light.

    My pet peeves are speakerphone, although I'm guilty (get a headset) and music (get headphones).

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  • Mobile phones ringing incessantly and people bumping into my chair while walking around other wise its "LIVE AND LET LIVE".

    "Keep Trying"

  • peeves:

    speakerphone (get a conference room if more than one of you are crowding around a phone in an open cube)

    used to share a cube with a person who tapped out drumbeats to marches on the desk while working... for long periods of time. VERY irritating.

  • The thing that I think is terrible is the coffee pot. We used to have someone in the office who would take the last full cup of coffee and half make a pot. She would just put the grounds in but not the water. So I would come in, there would be half a cup off thick coffee sitting at the bottom of the pot getting stronger and I would have to make a new pot to get a fresh cup.

  • My biggest annoyance is people talking to themselves. Either out loud or whispering, it doesn't matter, it's just too distracting because you think they could be talking to you.


  • Ok, I have another one. We have someone here that talks about himself in the third person. Very annoying. I have had a complete conversation with him in the third person (making fun of him of course).

  • There was a guy that sat in the cube next to me. Nice guy, but everytime he would talk on the phone, and only while he was talking, he would tap his foot unconsiously against the cube wall. Tap may be an understatement.. a continual light kick might be more appropriate. It was as if he was listening to music and kicking out the beat against the wall. My desk shook slightly and even with headphones on and music blaring, it could still be heard.

    I mentioned it to him several times, but it never stopped. I don't think he could control it. Worst cube neighbor i've ever had.

    Regards, Jim C

  • mpalecek (3/27/2009)

    The thing that I think is terrible is the coffee pot. We used to have someone in the office who would take the last full cup of coffee and half make a pot. She would just put the grounds in but not the water. So I would come in, there would be half a cup off thick coffee sitting at the bottom of the pot getting stronger and I would have to make a new pot to get a fresh cup.

    I understand the annoyance of having to wait for coffee to brew, but I'd rather the pot be empty and have to brew a new pot. You get it freshly brewed. If someone else made it four hours ago, i might be inclined to dump it and brew a new pot anyway.

    Regards, Jim C

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