
  • I have a problem with the pernicious brigands that will leave less than a cup of coffee in the pot, and then not make more.

    I am in an open office environment, but the constant whir of our HVAC system acts as a very effective white noise generator which mutes the effect of overly-loud co-workers. Overall, this is probably the best place I've ever worked.

  • The guy in the cube next to me clips his nails almost on a daily basis (do they really grow that fast?). I need an umbrella just in case one of those clippings flies over the wall. The *click* *click* noise is very annoying... makes my grumpy.

  • Grumpy DBA (3/27/2009)

    The guy in the cube next to me clips his nails almost on a daily basis (do they really grow that fast?). I need an umbrella just in case one of those clippings flies over the wall. The *click* *click* noise is very annoying... makes my grumpy.

    And to think a guy that goes by the name of Grump DBA only has one pet peeve to offer up? One would think there'd be a whole diatribe.

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • Luke L (3/27/2009)

    Grumpy DBA (3/27/2009)

    The guy in the cube next to me clips his nails almost on a daily basis (do they really grow that fast?). I need an umbrella just in case one of those clippings flies over the wall. The *click* *click* noise is very annoying... makes my grumpy.

    And to think a guy that goes by the name of Grump DBA only has one pet peeve to offer up? One would think there'd be a whole diatribe.

    Luke - There's more, the nail clipping really gets under my skin, thought.

    How about the clueless developer who walks into my cube 1 minute before I'm ready to leave for the day (on a Friday after I spent the past 3 nights reconfiguring Oracle Grid Control), asking questions about a database refresh I did 2 months ago (never mind that I support many Oracle databases, SQL Server databases and Oracle Apps Server) and hinting that she needs something done before the end of the day? And it's for a lousy QA database, not even Production!!!

    There's too many to list and not enough time...

  • Thanks, kids, I feel so much better now that I realize how good I've got it here in the office. 😀

    The main time I feel put upon is when I go to the water cooler for a drink and the bottle is empty. But a majority of the people here are female, and the majority of them don't weigh as much as a five gallon bottle of water, so I do the manly task at least daily. Twice on hot summer days.

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • Grumpy DBA (3/27/2009)

    There's too many to list and not enough time...

    Is that a picture of you on your avatar or Kramer?

  • Where I work everyone has their own office. We each have name cards on our windows that can be turned around to display "In The Zone, Do Not Disturb". The policy is that if the sign's up you can't bother the person. And of course, there's always that one person that knocks on the door and asks "Am I bothering you?" or "Are you really in the zone?"

    Even when the sign's not up there's the people that walk in on whatever you're in the middle of doing and start a coversation without first having your attention. When that happens now I will ignore them until I am done with whatever I was in the middle of doing when they interrupted.

    Then there's the people who walk into your office with food and eat it in front of you. Or worse yet they're eating something that crumbles onto your floor and they don't bother picking it up or otherwise acknowleding that they just dirtied up your workspace.

    I especially love people who like to be Monday morning quarterbacks. These are the people that have no technical understanding about what you do but have no problem telling you how you could have done your job better.

    Last pet peeve - dirty keyboards. I'm a neat freak when it comes to my machine and it makes me cringe when I see keyboards full of food, dirt, etc.

    Kendal Van Dyke[/url]

  • Paul (3/27/2009)

    My biggest annoyance is people talking to themselves. Either out loud or whispering, it doesn't matter, it's just too distracting because you think they could be talking to you.

    I am the guy either talking to himself or singing or whistling. Fortunately I have an office of my own and should not bother anyone!

    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
    I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson (Well, I am trying. - Manie Verster)

  • Michael Valentine Jones (3/27/2009)

    Ed Salva (3/27/2009)

    "convince them your a nut and that they had better stay away from you." -- Grasshopper

    never been able to successfully accomplish this, can't seem to get past the Teddy bear phase, any suggestions?

    Lots of good ways to do that:

    1. Give everyone who comes to see you the hard sell to get them to buy Amway products, Girl Scout cookies, raffle tickets, etc.

    2. Put some pictures on the wall showing you posing with your favorite firearms. Mention that your favorite fantasy is being up on a tower with a sniper rifle.

    3. Include your favorite imaginary friend in every conversation. Get angry if they refuse to acknowledge the presence of your imaginary friend.

    4. Tell everyone who drops by the same long, pointless, boring story every time you see them.

    5. Insist on showing them all 500 pictures you took on your vacation, and tell them the complete story behind each one.

    With my luck they'll just send me to the looney bin.

    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
    I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson (Well, I am trying. - Manie Verster)

  • The only real issue I have with people are the ways people let small issues get to them in such a way that they let it rule their day. It's almost like they live their life based on the moment. Joe taps his foot!!! My life sucks!!!

    I nearly fell out of my chaire. Very good man, I heard a saying that if someone makes you cross, they control you. Do you want to be controlled by someone else! Ignore it man!

    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
    I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson (Well, I am trying. - Manie Verster)

  • people who send me messages on the companies internal instant messenger system that say:


    and then awaits my reply.

    I know they just want me to do something for them. I have to try and calculate if it's going to be quick and simple or is my day about to fall apart.


  • I have this project manager who roams the corridor looking for meetings to crash. If he sees two technical people sitting at a table, looking at a sheet of paper, he wants to join in - never mind that he knows nothing about the issue and just makes the meeting longer by asking for explanations he doesn't understand. He also likes to spend more than half the time at our DAILY project meeting stating the obvious, or summing up yesterday's actions slightly wrong.

    I also get peeved with programmers - who should know better - who can't be bothered to spell check their emails. Come on, guys - you know syntax and spelling matters in your code, why would you think it doesn't matter in normal communication?

    I also get annoyed at people who raise meeting requests and don't tell you what it's for! I have to train every new person in the simple art of subject lines and agenda - how can we get anything done or decided at a meeting unless we can prepare? And then they wonder why you haven't finished your coding yet!

  • I have a variant on the coffee theme. We have a commercial espresso machine here at work so we can make ourselves "good" coffee. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that don't believe in cleaning the machine after they have made a cup, so the milk steamer wand is crusted with old milk and often the thing you put the ground coffee in is left in the machine. Lovely! I don't use the machine anymore as I refuse to spend 10 minutes or more cleaning it first!

    I agree with all the phone comments and I have one about food. IF YOU DIDN'T PUT THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, IT IS NOT YOURS SO DON'T EAT IT!

    Nicole Bowman

    Nothing is forever.

  • Smokers.

  • There was a woman who used to sit right behind me who loved dogs. She recorded her two dogs barking and used it as her mobile phone ringtone. Very popular in an open plan office!!! She no longer works here.

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