Another cast problem

  • Hi

    Sorry i'm novice in SQL Server and when i try :

    ALTER  PROCEDURE MYPROC(@idSite int, @Type varchar(4)) AS

    DECLARE @strReq varchar(1000)

    SET @strReq = 'SELECT  DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_LIB, COUNT(*) AS nb_email

         FROM DLZ_EMAIL  WHERE DLZ_EMAIL.DATE_DEB <=' + cast(GETDATE() as varchar)

    If @Type='HTML'


      SET @strReq = @strReq + ' AND (DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML <> 1 OR DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML = null) '




      SET @strReq = @strReq + ' AND (DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML = 1) '


    SET @strReq= @strReq + 'GROUP BY DLZ_EMAIL.SITE_ID'


    But i got message : "Syntax error converting datetime from character string".Why ???

    NB: DATE_DEB is a datetime column.

    And the second question is : How can i return the column nb_email in a OUTPUT parameter ?

    Thx a lot

  • WHERE DLZ_EMAIL.DATE_DEB <=' + cast(GETDATE() as varchar)

    That is comparing a DATETIME value (date_deb) with a VARCHAR.

    Why are you casting GETDATE() to a VARCHAR and then comparing it to a DATETIME value?


  • SQLBill:

    'cos when i just do :

    SET @strReq = 'SELECT  DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_LIB, COUNT(*) AS nb_email


    it tellls me the same message : "Syntax error converting datetime from character string"

    My date format is dmy (a french format : dd/mm/yyyy) in my column DATE_DEB.

    And if i do :

    SET @strReq = 'SELECT  DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_LIB, COUNT(*) AS nb_email

         FROM DLZ_EMAIL  WHERE DLZ_EMAIL.DATE_DEB <=' + convert(varchar,getdate(),103)

    my result is not the same if i just do a simple select like this :



    I don't understand why my result is not the same when i use a SET @strReq = ...

    Have you got an idee???




  • Why aren't you just doing this:



  • Oh YES !!! It works !

    I believed that a CAST had to be made.

    Thx a lot SQLBill ... I'm so stupid )))))


  • And for my second question have you got an idee?

    'cos i can't do this :

    SET @strReq = 'SELECT  DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_LIB, @nb-2 = COUNT(*)


    @nb-2 is an OUTPUT parameter and i need to have the column EMAIL_LIB in my request.

    Thx again

  • Perico,

      I don't know what this part of the select is supposed to do:

    , @nb-2 = COUNT(*)

    but it certainly isn't going to get you an output parameter. You can't set a variable to = more than one result, so if the rest of the where clause will return more than dlz_email.email_lib then you need to restructure the entire query, and possibly the entire process.

    Look in BOL for output parameters

    You will, at a minimum (if there is only one email_lib returned) have to add a Group by dlz_email.email_lib to the query (anytime there is a select "field", count(*) you must group by all fields selected ).

    It looks to me you like you need to create a temp table (email_lib, totalcount) and then insert into it using your select state. Your output would then be the rows in the temp table - like I said above if the intent was to return one count and one email_lib then either you know your dataset and believe this is going to happen, or you'll need to rething the process (or use a cursor and get one row at a time).

    Tell us more and maybe we can help


    Thanks, and don't forget to Chuckle

  • Well my original SP is :

    ALTER  PROCEDURE MYPROC(@idSite int, @Type varchar(4)) AS

    DECLARE @strReq varchar(1000)

    SET @strReq = 'SELECT  DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_LIB, COUNT(*) AS nb_email


    If @Type='HTML'


      SET @strReq = @strReq + ' AND (DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML <> 1 OR DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML = null) '




      SET @strReq = @strReq + ' AND (DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML = 1) '


    SET @strReq= @strReq + 'GROUP BY DLZ_EMAIL.SITE_ID'


    It works fine. But now i want to add an OUTPUT parameter which retrieves me the field "nb_email" while carrying out my request.How can i do this ?

    Thx again

  • this will return only the nb_email as the result set (I can't test) :

    ALTER  PROCEDURE MYPROC(@idSite int, @Type varchar(4)) AS

    DECLARE @strReq varchar(1000)

    SET @strReq = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb_email


    If @Type='HTML'


      SET @strReq = @strReq + ' AND (DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML <> 1 OR DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML = null) '




      SET @strReq = @strReq + ' AND (DLZ_EMAIL.EMAIL_HTML = 1) '


    SET @strReq= @strReq + 'GROUP BY DLZ_EMAIL.SITE_ID'

    return Exec(@strReq)

    Thanks, and don't forget to Chuckle

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