Any one can send me answers for these

  • ffarouqi (5/6/2016)

    I believe I agree with you'll to some extent, but not totally. If you guys know a lot of the DBA stuff, at least do not make fun of others who might not be knowing that well or do not understand the concepts the way you'll might be knowing. Sometimes, it is due to lack of learning, and information, and most of the times it is mostly due to proper guidance, and exposure. I am not sure where the user resides, but we do not always have the luxury, and details to materials that you'll might be having access to. I do understand that you'll have done all the hard work, and research to come up to the level of experience that you'll possess now, but think of the days when you'll were starting with no prior experience into this field, and everything was new. I know the person claims to be a Sr. DBA, but at time there are situations that even a Sr. DBA fails to know answers to basic questions.

    SQL Server Community is such a great community, and I would only request you'll who are helping DBA's like us in our jobs to at least not make fun of the skills we might be having, and what we might not possess, but try, and respect each, and every one, and yes at times the OP needs to understand that this is a forum, and we need to provide more details in order for anyone to provide any kind of help. But, for this specific thread I think the limit of sarcasm just got over the top, and should've been handled in a better way. I mean you can always request the OP to post more details or simply don't answer his questions if you don't feel like. If you're helping someone don't embarrass them at least.

    Sorry, about if I am interfering but I found it really sad for the way you'll have handled the issue with the OP.

    You're not interfering if you can withstand a bit of disagreement.

    In the last 10 years, I've interviewed dozens of people claiming that they're "Senior" DBAs and "Senior" Database Developers and "Senior" Application Developers and "Senior" Performance Tuners, etc, etc and they all claimed 5 to 10 years of experience on paper. Many have even rated themselves as a 9 out of 10 for whatever the position happened to be and, lately, they all think they somehow deserve a 6 figure salary. That wouldn't be so bad if they actually knew something.

    90% of the people that I've interviewed couldn't even tell me how to get the current date and time using T-SQL. I've had DBAs that didn't know how to do a native backup or restore never mind coming up with a 100,000 foot view on what a DR plan might be. I've had "expert" performance tuners tell me that they didn't need to know what a clustered index was because they've never worked on a clustered system before. I've interviewed a PHD in Mathematics (and I verified his pedigree) that was being interviewed for a Lead Developer position that required good knowledge of numbering systems that couldn't tell me how to convert 1416 to a decimal value without a calculator.

    Then, along comes the OP on this thread. It's pretty obvious that the questions either came from an interview or are on some "university" or "Brain Bench" type of test and they're all stuff that a person claiming to be a Senior DBA should either know off the top of their head or at least be able to Google for answers. The OP apparently didn't know and didn't have the intellectual curiosity to find out about what he claimed to be.

    And then for the OP to come back and accuse other's of not being a DBA just because they refuse to help out someone that appears to be surviving based only on the kindness of others was the frosting on the cake, or so it seemed. But that was followed by him claiming to be too busy to find out how to do [font="Arial Black"]HIS [/font]job, confirming that he had the position of DBA.

    To be sure, we don't mind helping people out because, you're right, we all pretty much started out the same way. As Gail said, it wasn't so much the questions that the OP asked as it was the way the questions were asked. The title was presumptive and the post showed little thought or consideration for those that may have helped him. And then for him to drop the bomb that he was too busy to "surf" for answers... we're all volunteers here and yet many of us have found the time to help thousands of other people that actually make some effort. This fellow made no apparent effort and then, to make matters worse, tried to justify that.

    I can't speak for the others but this fellow got just exactly the same out of it all as to what he put into it. He didn't even say "HI".

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden (5/6/2016)

    ffarouqi (5/6/2016)

    I believe I agree with you'll to some extent, but not totally. If you guys know a lot of the DBA stuff, at least do not make fun of others who might not be knowing that well or do not understand the concepts the way you'll might be knowing. Sometimes, it is due to lack of learning, and information, and most of the times it is mostly due to proper guidance, and exposure. I am not sure where the user resides, but we do not always have the luxury, and details to materials that you'll might be having access to. I do understand that you'll have done all the hard work, and research to come up to the level of experience that you'll possess now, but think of the days when you'll were starting with no prior experience into this field, and everything was new. I know the person claims to be a Sr. DBA, but at time there are situations that even a Sr. DBA fails to know answers to basic questions.

    SQL Server Community is such a great community, and I would only request you'll who are helping DBA's like us in our jobs to at least not make fun of the skills we might be having, and what we might not possess, but try, and respect each, and every one, and yes at times the OP needs to understand that this is a forum, and we need to provide more details in order for anyone to provide any kind of help. But, for this specific thread I think the limit of sarcasm just got over the top, and should've been handled in a better way. I mean you can always request the OP to post more details or simply don't answer his questions if you don't feel like. If you're helping someone don't embarrass them at least.

    Sorry, about if I am interfering but I found it really sad for the way you'll have handled the issue with the OP.

    You're not interfering if you can withstand a bit of disagreement.

    In the last 10 years, I've interviewed dozens of people claiming that they're "Senior" DBAs and "Senior" Database Developers and "Senior" Application Developers and "Senior" Performance Tuners, etc, etc and they all claimed 5 to 10 years of experience on paper. Many have even rated themselves as a 9 out of 10 for whatever the position happened to be and, lately, they all think they somehow deserve a 6 figure salary. That wouldn't be so bad if they actually knew something.

    90% of the people that I've interviewed couldn't even tell me how to get the current date and time using T-SQL. I've had DBAs that didn't know how to do a native backup or restore never mind coming up with a 100,000 foot view on what a DR plan might be. I've had "expert" performance tuners tell me that they didn't need to know what a clustered index was because they've never worked on a clustered system before. I've interviewed a PHD in Mathematics (and I verified his pedigree) that was being interviewed for a Lead Developer position that required good knowledge of numbering systems that couldn't tell me how to convert 1416 to a decimal value without a calculator.

    Then, along comes the OP on this thread. It's pretty obvious that the questions either came from an interview or are on some "university" or "Brain Bench" type of test and they're all stuff that a person claiming to be a Senior DBA should either know off the top of their head or at least be able to Google for answers. The OP apparently didn't know and didn't have the intellectual curiosity to find out about what he claimed to be.

    And then for the OP to come back and accuse other's of not being a DBA just because they refuse to help out someone that appears to be surviving based only on the kindness of others was the frosting on the cake, or so it seemed. But that was followed by him claiming to be too busy to find out how to do [font="Arial Black"]HIS [/font]job, confirming that he had the position of DBA.

    To be sure, we don't mind helping people out because, you're right, we all pretty much started out the same way. As Gail said, it wasn't so much the questions that the OP asked as it was the way the questions were asked. The title was presumptive and the post showed little thought or consideration for those that may have helped him. And then for him to drop the bomb that he was too busy to "surf" for answers... we're all volunteers here and yet many of us have found the time to help thousands of other people that actually make some effort. This fellow made no apparent effort and then, to make matters worse, tried to justify that.

    I can't speak for the others but this fellow got just exactly the same out of it all as to what he put into it. He didn't even say "HI".

    I totally get that. I am not saying he is right by any means. I am only saying that disrespecting anyone for that matter even if it looks funny doesn't seem to go well, at least not in public space. Now, from what you're saying here that he accused of people not being DBA over here etc. Yes, that is not right, but he only said that when so much fun was made of his questions. Come on guys we are matured people, if you'll have the free will to speak whatever you'll want based out of your hearts content, then you'll should understand that the other person would definitely feel offended, and will reply in the same fashion.

    Now, when you say you interviewed so many people. I have seen have people having such a bad track record, and they are still ruling the world full of fools who call themselves genius...right?. Everyone has a different learning, and grasping power for that matter, some do good, and some don't. Let's take it in this sense, if everyone would have been great DBA's, then either everyone would have been MCM's or MVP for that matter, and since everyone is an expert now...why do we need forums then, no necessity to ask questions because now since we are experts we are bound to know the answers. Experience varies from place to place, when you say you have 12 years of experience, and you haven't worked on x technology, but you've worked for the entire span in z company where you only got to do y things, then definitely you won't be gaining practical experience of knowing a, b, c etc in your career span, unless you're a geek, and you keep on doing research your whole life finding answers in Google. Let's be practical not everyone can go that distance.

    I am not supporting anyone, but being a DBA myself, and when I saw this post I felt bad for it, even though I know for sure the OP should've researched, and at least had some courtesy in posting questions in a legit manner. The only thing we want is respect guys, otherwise people would stop posting questions in forums if they are humiliated this way.

  • I get that not everyone can know everything but the truth eventually came out. The OP didn't even try to help himself and wanted others to do the research for him. It came across that way from the git.

    Anyway, I fear that you and I are going to have to agree to disagree. That, not withstanding, I do appreciate your thoughtful input.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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