Any Tips for New DBA Job ?

  • No wonder we had a revolution....;-)

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • jcrawf02 (9/2/2010)

    No wonder we had a revolution....;-)

    Or did you... Perhaps we let you believe that, but still secretly maintain control... :alien:

  • I wrote a blog post about this situation:

  • LightVader (9/2/2010)

    Derrick Smith (9/1/2010)

    After I verify everything is working as it should (Backups being taken regularly, replication/log shipping/mirroring working OK, no outstanding issues/problems), I set up a centralized reporting database and feed data from all servers into that. In one database, I keep CPU usage, Page Life Expectancy, BC Hit Ratio, # of Blocks, Failed Jobs, Long Running Jobs, Replication Latency, and servers with low disk space. When everything is consolidated, you can set up a clean front-end to view it all, and then you have at-a-glance status of all important metrics on every server.

    What do you use to get all the information into your reporting database?

    I use SSIS to do a similar type of thing. I run inventory through SSIS and store it in a central database.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Thanks Everyone for your valuable suggestions.

    I appreciate your help. and you guys rock .

  • SqlServerLover (9/2/2010)

    Thanks Everyone for your valuable suggestions.

    I appreciate your help. and you guys rock .

    You're welcome

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • Another good thing is to know your SQL Server versions for each server you are responsible for!

  • Be Confident.. Understand the Business.. Know how things work... Know Change amd Incident mnanagement processes ASAP... ASk for any documentation that exists about their environment and check for failed jobs, SQL Server Errors Logs and the Event viewer for errors...

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Get familiar with applications using databases. I usually get applications names, vendors contacts, application support contacts, business owners and SLAs (if exist) first week. Also try to find which database is the most active (has biggest workload) and which one grows the fatest.

  • Day-to-Day

    1. Check OS Event Logs and SQL Server Logs for unusual events.

    2. Verify that all scheduled jobs have run successfully.

    3. Confirm that backups have been made and successfully saved to a secure location.

    4. Monitor disk space to ensure your SQL Servers won’t run out of disk space. For best performance, all disks should have 15% or more of free space.

    5. Throughout the day, periodically monitor performance using both System Monitor and Profiler/SQL Trace.

    6. Regularly monitor and identify blocking issues.

    7. Keep a log of any changes you make to servers, including documentation of any performance issues you identify and correct.

    8. Create SQL Server alerts to notify you of potential problems, and have them e-mailed to you. Take action as needed.

    9. Regularly restore backups to a test server in order to verify that you can restore them. You don’t need to restore all backups every day, but do so often to ensure that you are confident you have good backups.

    10. Take some time to learn something new as a DBA to further your professional development.

  • Find out who will stand in for you when you are on leave and learn what they know and what they do in the DBAs absence. If it works it's a good starting point. Then you can later amend their routine as necessary.

    Find the sa password store too and make sure there's an offsite/fireproof safe copy. When were they last changed and how many bits of software will break because a manufacturer has to have the sa password embedded in their app. :rolleyes:

    Find out where the documentation is held and should be put as you'll be adding to it as you discover things. Sharepoint is great for this.

    If it's the typical place they'll tell you there's x,y and z servers but when you do a server connection in management studio, take the time to browse for network servers and I bet you'll find a few more SQL instances that aren't being backed up.

    Generally they are for what I call network software - the email vault, spam detector software, web browsing controllers, software installation and distribution (who's got what software) etc, etc. The staff in charge of backing up non-sql data to tape are usually the worst at backing up the software they use or assume that basic backup exec once a day will do the job - despite the email vault updating frequently during the day. :crazy:

    There's loads of useful documentation type scripts on this site. Find out what is already being used there - the previous incumbent may have left a script library (wishful thinking) or make yourself a script library and share it with the other DBAs.

    Above all: Enjoy it and good luck!

  • Here's a useful tool I used to use to get a quick inventory of all the SQL, SQLExpress and MSDE instances on my network:

    It's free and very fast.


    G. Milner

  • Thanks P Jones

  • Thanks Everyone

  • Your welcome and have fun!

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