Any way to restore a backup made Sql Server 2008 R2 to Sql Server 2008?

  • I'm a developer, not a DBA, working on a DR solution to back up a client's website site and data to server that our company hosts for disaster recovery. I've got the scripts and programs working that do the backups, zip them up, transfer them, and then the restore, but I ran into a hitch while testing. The server I'm using to act as the "client" is running Sql Server 2008 R2, and I'm using my laptop as the "DR" server, which is running Sql Server 2008. The restore fails because of incompatibility of versions.

    Any way around this?

  • nope. you cannot go backwards in versions. you would have to do 'logical' restores on a object by object basis.

    suggest you make your DR version the same as the live.


  • You must have your DR version at SQL Server 2008 R2. It is an upgrade from SQL Server 2008. You can have a second instance on your laptop with this version for testing.

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