Anyone familiar with designing reports in Visual Studio??

  • It is a shot in the dark but.... I am building a sql report in Visual Studio. This report has 8 listboxes on the page. These listboxes contain textboxes and database contained images. When the report is run, it returns data more than 1 time. 7 times to be exact. Every record appears 7 times. There are not 7 records in the database, there is 1 record and the same record repeats 7 times. Anyone know how to fix this?

  • In use VS2005/8 but I have questions like why are you putting images in a list box or text box because images require either the image control or rectangle and an image control because I am not sure you can add image from database to anything else. Check below for some possible options with images.,guid,b1517702-ad4b-48e1-a6e3-b736e8a982cb.aspx

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Sorry for the misunderstanding. My images are using image controls. So moving past that, why does everything repeat 7 times.

  • You could try the rectangle before the image control because it may be latency, if that did not fix it then you need to remove on of the other controls.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Maybe this will help you understand exactly where I am. This is a snapshot of the report in design mode, with some markup. Let me know if this helps.

  • You have a logo so try adding it from the project or embedding it because you are creating a form with SSRS I am not sure it can do that. You also need to check the file type JPEG and GIF are better than Bitmap.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I removed my logo completely, and I still get the same result. How else could get my desired outcome? I need to format a page of ID cards, and populate the data fields from the database, but I only need the card to show if there is data.

  • There is a sample in the Microsoft samples that can give you this the logo must be embedded and no list box all text boxes must be spaced right and all you need is a select statement. You may need Patient ID column to generate the report. The samples are the AdventureWorks Samples the Sale Order Detail can be changed to meet your needs. If you downloaded and installed them they are in your samples folder in SQL Server folder in Reporting samples just double click the solution file.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • So I figured out the issue. I only need 1 listbox, and it will repeat for each record. The problem is, it will only repeat from top to bottom. The listbox will not repeat side by side, and up and down. This is the design:

    And this is the listbox repeating up and down, but not side to side.

  • In BIDS, so I assume in VS, there is a "Report Properties" section. In that is a tab called layout. Set your column count to 2, and you should have what you are after!

  • That was so simple that I just didnt even think about it. At any rate, it WORKED and you are my new favorite. You have been awarded all of the cool points.

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