Anyone know how to do this in less lines of code?

  • Anyone know how to do this in less lines of code?

    INSERT INTO @tempEmail (email_address, DisplayName, P.ProjectID, OrganizationID, type)

    SELECT DISTINCT '','Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26

    INSERT INTO @tempEmail (email_address, DisplayName, P.ProjectID, OrganizationID, type)

    SELECT DISTINCT '','Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26

    INSERT INTO @tempEmail (email_address, DisplayName, P.ProjectID, OrganizationID, type)

    SELECT DISTINCT '','Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26

    INSERT INTO @tempEmail (email_address, DisplayName, P.ProjectID, OrganizationID, type)

    SELECT DISTINCT '','Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26

    Just seems so redundant, thoughts?



  • From where are you getting the e-mails?


    At minimum, you could do something like this perhaps:

    Declare @email varchar(75)

    set @email = 'email1'

    INSERT INTO @tempEmail (email_address, DisplayName, P.ProjectID, OrganizationID, type)

    SELECT DISTINCT @email,'Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26

    Or perhaps a table-type approach if it's a set list of values.

  • can't this be done by using union all

    INSERT INTO @tempEmail (email_address, DisplayName, P.ProjectID, OrganizationID, type)

    SELECT DISTINCT '','Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26


    SELECT DISTINCT '','Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26


    SELECT DISTINCT '','Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26


    SELECT DISTINCT '','Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3

    FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue H

    WHERE H.InsuranceID = 26


  • I assume your concern is running 4 separate queries on the table ReportOpenItemsOverDue.

    How about creating a table of the email addresses, then doing a cross-join on the email address table and the ReportOpenItemsOverDue.

    Create table #MyEmailAddr (email varchar(100))
    Insert into #MyEmailAddr values ('')
    Insert into #MyEmailAddr values ('')
    Insert into #MyEmailAddr values ('')
    Insert into #MyEmailAddr values ('')
    INSERT INTO @tempEmail (email_address, DisplayName, P.ProjectID, OrganizationID, type)
    SELECT, 'Insurance Company', H.ProjectID, H.OrganizationID, 3
    FROM #MyEmailAddr m CROSS JOIN 
    	(SELECT DISTINCT ProjectID, OrganizationID 
    	 FROM ReportOpenItemsOverDue 
    	 WHERE InsuranceID=26) h

    In this way, you query the ReportOpenItemsOverDue table only once, do the distinct and where clause only once on that table, then create separate records for each email.  And if the emails are constant for each time your run this, create the table as a permanent table and it is that much easier.

    Hope this helps.


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