Application Program to run a DTS package

  • Hi,

    I have created a DTS package which loads the data from XLS file to DB. i am now trying to create a Program(or User Interface) which will allow the user to specify the filename and then execute the package. Can anyone give me  an idea  to start with this task?




    p.s: would be great if someone can give me a link or recommend some reference book for this task.

  • Depends what you mean by Program (or) User Interface.

    Is it a Web Application (or) a Windows Application (or) built into SQL Server itself.

    WebApplication: You need to create a form with the name of the filename. This form should submit to an action 'asp page' which should call the DTS object. Try to create a function in the DTS package with a global variable to which you can feed the input of the filename. This function will then call your existing ActiveXScript to do the current task.

    Windows Application: Same as above.

    SQL Server: Write a function say 'getFileName()'. Use a prompt function to which you can send the filename. This filename should be checked for proper format etc., before calling the existing ActiveXScript you are currently using.



  • one way of doing this in DTS is though DTSrun utility 

    1. create a ini file with following tags



    2. In Dts package create a Activex task with following code.

    Function Main()

     Dim gsConfigINIPath

      gsConfigINIPath = DTSGlobalVariables("gsConfigINIPath").Value

       Dim oPKG

       Set oPKG = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

       Dim oAssignments

      Dim oAssignment

      'DTSTask_ DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_1 is the task described as the 'Properties From INI File task

       Set oAssignments = oPKG.Tasks"DTSTask_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_1").CustomTask.Assignments

       For Each oAssignment In oAssignments

          oAssignment.SourceIniFileFileName =gsConfigINIPath




     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    3. create a dynamic properties task where you can set properties for source

    through .ini file name

    and have a usual data transformation task.

    So each day you just have to change the filename in .ini file.

    Then run following command in cmd promt

    DTSRun /N "PackageName" /G "{637535C5-8B40-4E39-8B01-18BC7827DE9A}" /F ".Dts file path" /A "gsConfigINIPath":"8"=".ini file path" /W "0"

    Note :/G {Package GUID}



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