Apply upgrades (application related) to database.

  • Guys,

    Since I've not done this before I am not sure if the way I am planning to do this is okay or is there a better way. Like using Windows Installer or Install Shield or Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset. Any help would be great, as I have no clue.

    We have a product and we ship new version every few months. So far we've only been rolling out complete versions i.e. Either Version 1.0, or Version 1.5, but no upgrade from 1.0 to 1.2 to 1.3 to .... you get the picture, right! So any customer that get version 1.0 cannot upgrade to version 1.2 or 1.3 or even the latest. They'll have to uninstall old version and install the latest version. This is not right, but that's what we could do until now. But we'd like to change it.

    My plan is to get version info from a database table and depending on it run different script to upgrade database.

    Either run one huge script to upgrade from 1.0 to 1.9


    Upgrade step-by-step 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.2.......

    My concern is that this method may not be scalable, once we have more than 5 or 6 different versions.

    If you could point to any articles or books on this topic, that would help a lot too.



  • What about exception handling?

    If the upgrade fails at any step, how do you rollback? Is it handled by InstallShield or the Sql Scripts?



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